Forestry 1st Semester Important Topics
Forestry Forestry is the science and craft of creating, managing, planting, using, conserving and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources for human and environmental benefits. वानिकी मानव और पर्यावरणीय लाभों के लिए वनों, वुडलैंड्स और संबंधित संसाधनों के निर्माण, प्रबंधन, रोपण, उपयोग, संरक्षण और मरम्मत का विज्ञान और शिल्प है। Forest A forest is an area of land dominated by trees. The wood forest is derived from Latin word ' foris ' meaning ' outside '. As such forests are areas covering uncultivated and untended extensive stretch of lands covered with tall and dense tree growth. Generally, areas set aside for the production of timber and other forest produce which is under woody vegetation are called forest. Historical Background of Forestry History of Indian forests is closely linked with political history. The epics Ramayana and Mahabharata give an attractive description of forest. Dandakaranya, Khandavavana, and Nandanavana came from them. Hindu cu...