
Showing posts with the label Biological Classification

Virus, Viroids Prions and Lichens

Join Our Telegram Group:- GroveStudies   VIRUS ,VIROIDS PRIONS AND LICHENS In the five kingdom classification of whittaker there is known as mention of lichen and some a cellular organisms virus,viroids and prions. The virus are non cellular organisms that are characterized by having an in insert crystalline structure outside the living cell. The name virus that means venom or poisonous fluid was given by of the the Dimitri Ivanocosky 1892 recognise certain microbes as casual organisms of the the mosaic disease of tobacco. These were found to be smaller than bacteria because they are passed through bacteria proof filter. M.W. Beijerinek 1898 demonstrated that the the extract of the infected plants of tobacco could cause infection in healthy plants and called the fluids of contagium vivum fluidum (infectious living fluids).  W.M. Stanley 1935 show that virus could be crystalline and crystals consists lajari of proteins. • virus are obligate parasite. • viruses are contains gen...

Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Animalia

 Join our Telegram Group:- Grove Studies Prash:        KINGDOM PLANTAE • Kingdom plantae includes all eukaryotic chlorophyll containing that are multicellular and their cells lack cell walls. • heterotrophic such as insectivorous plants are parasites bladder worst and Venus fly trap are example of insectivorous and cuscuta is a parasite. • the length of haploid and diploid phase and whether these phases are free living or dependent on others vary among different group in plants the phenomena is called alternation of generation.         KINGDOM ANIMALIA The Kingdom is characterized by heterotrophic eukaryotic organisms that are multicellular and their cells lack cell walls.  • food reserve as glycogen or fat. • elaborate sensory and neuromotor mechanism most of them are capable of locomotion.

Kingdom fungi / ascomycetes / basidomycetes / deuteromycetes

Join our Telegram Group :- GroveStudies                 KINGDOM FUNGI  Unique Kingdom of heterotrophic organisms. * Great diversity in morphology and habitat. * Antibiotic "Penicillium". * Slender thread like structure called hyphae. * The network of hyphae is known as mycelium. * The cell walls of fungi are composed of chitin and polysaccharides.  * Most of Punjabi are heterotrophs peak and observe soluble organic matter from dead substrate and hence are called saprophytes. * Reproduction each function can take place by vegetative means fragmentation fission and budding. * A sexual reproduction called cornelia and sporangiospore or zoospores , and sexual reproduction by oospores , ascospores and basidospores. The various sports are produced in distinct structure called fruiting bodies. The sexual cycle involves the three steps :-  a. Fusion is protoplasm between two motile or nonmotile gametes called plasogamy.  b. Fusi...

Kingdom protista / chrysophytes / dinoflagellates / euglenoids / slime moulds / protozoans

Join Our Telegram :-.  GroveStudies          KINGDOM PROTISTA * all single celled eukaryotic are place under protista. * Chrysophytes, dinoflagellates, euglenoids , slime moulds, and protozoa under protista. * Member of protista primarily aquatic. * The Kingdom from a link with the others dealing with plants, animals and fungi.             CHRYSOPHYTES * the group include diatoms and golden algae (dismids). * Microscope and float passively in water current (plankton). * The diatoms the cell walls from the two thin overlapping shells, which fit together as in a shop box. * Accumulation over billions of year is referred to as "diatomaceous Earth".  * Being gritty this soil is used in polishing filtration of soil and syrups. * Are the chief production in the oceans.         DINOFLAGELLATES  Marine and photosynthetic.  * The cell wall has stiff cellulose plates on the outer surface. * Two flagell...

Kingdom Monera / Archaebacteria / Eubacteria

Telegram :-  GroveStudies ©™✓                   KINGDOM MONERA Bacteria are the sole member of Kingdom Monera. Bacteria are grouped under four categories based on their save the spherical based on rod shaped Baccilus (Bacilli) , coma saved vibranium (vibrio) and the spiral Spirillum (Spirilia). Through the bacterial structure is very simple they are very complex in behaviour. * Bacteria show the most extensive metabolic diversity. ARCHAEBACTERIA These bacteria are special since they live in habitats such as extreme salty areas halophiles, hot springs ( thermoacidophiles). Archaebacteria differs from other bacteria in having a different from cell wall structure and this feature is responsible for their survival in extreme conditions. Methane gents are present in the gut of several ruminant animals such as cow and buffalo and they are responsible for the production of methane biogas from the dung of these animals. EUBACTERIA Eubacteria or ...