Kingdom protista / chrysophytes / dinoflagellates / euglenoids / slime moulds / protozoans

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* all single celled eukaryotic are place under protista.

* Chrysophytes, dinoflagellates, euglenoids , slime moulds, and protozoa under protista.

* Member of protista primarily aquatic.

* The Kingdom from a link with the others dealing with plants, animals and fungi.


* the group include diatoms and golden algae (dismids).

* Microscope and float passively in water current (plankton).

* The diatoms the cell walls from the two thin overlapping shells, which fit together as in a shop box.

* Accumulation over billions of year is referred to as "diatomaceous Earth". 

* Being gritty this soil is used in polishing filtration of soil and syrups.

* Are the chief production in the oceans.


Marine and photosynthetic. 

* The cell wall has stiff cellulose plates on the outer surface.

* Two flagella one lies longitudinally and the other transversely enough Arrow between the wall plates.

* Gonyaulax fred tides.

* Toxin released by such large number main event kills other Marine animals such as fishes.


Mixotropic (autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition) Moses of Nutrition.

* Freshwater organisms found in stagnant water instead of cell walls they have protein rich layer called pellicle which makes their body flexible.

* Are photosynthetic in the presence of sunlight.

* Example :- euglena

            SLIME MOULDS

Slime moulds are saprophytic protists.

* Under suitable conditions.

* They from an aggregation called plasmodium.

* The sports poses thrue walls.

* The spores are dispersed by air currents.


* All protozoans are factor of tropic and live as Predator or parasites.

* Primitive relatives of animals.

* there are four major groups of protozoans.

* Amoeboid Protozoans ( these organisms live in freshwater sea water and moist soil).

** Pseudopodia ( False .Feet ).

I. Flagellated protozoans ;- those parasite forms causes disease such as sleeping sickness. Example :- trypanosoma.

II. Ciliated protozoans :- the coordinated movement of rows of Syria cause water Laden with food to be steered into gullet. 

Example :- paramecium.

III. Sporozoans :- organisms that have an infection spores like stage in their life cycle. 

Example :- plasmodium (malaria parasite).


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