
Showing posts with the label Algae

Know all Angiosperms

  Join our Telegram Group ;- GroveStudies                 Angiosperms  The seeds are unclosed in fruits.  Smallest Wolffia to tall or Eucalyptus ( over 100 meters).  The dicotyledons are characterised by seeds having two cotyledons, reticulate venations in leaves, and tetramerous or pintamerous flowers, i.e, having four or five members in each floral whorls.  The monocotyledons on the other hand are characterised is single cotyledons seeds, parallel venation in leaves, & trimerous flowers having three members in each floral whorls.  Each ovule has a megaspores mother cell that undergoes meiosis to form four haploid megaspores. Three of then degenerate and one divide to from the embryo sac. Each embryo – sac has a three – called egg apparatus – one egg cell & two synergids, three antipodal cells and two polar nuclei.  one of the male gamete fuses with the egg cell (syngamy) to from a zygote.  Produces the triploid primary endosperm nucleus (PEN). Because of th

Know All About Pteridophytes

                     Pteridophytes :-  The pteridophytes include horsetails and ferns.  • The first terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissue – xylem and phloem.  • In bryophytes the dominant phase in the life cycle is the gamethophytic plant body. However. In pteridophytes , the main plant body is a sporophytes.  • in forns.  • Distinct compact structures called strobli or cones (Selaginella, Equisetum).  • Inconspious , small bet multicellular. • Free – living mostly photosynthetic thalloid gametophytes called prothallus.  • Need for water for fertillisation.  • Fussion of male gamete with an egg present in archegonium result in the formation of zygotes.  • Selaginella and Salvinia which produce two kinds of spores, macro (large) and micro (small) spores, are known and Heterospores . The Female gametophytes in these plants are retained on the parents sporophytes for variable periods. The developments of the zygote into young embryo take place within in the female gameto

Chlorophycae / Phyaecophyeae / Rhodophycae

                          CHLOROPHYCEAE The members of chlorophyceae are commonly called green algae. ✓ discoid , plate like, reticulate Cup shaped in different species. ✓ storage body is called pyrenoids located in the chloroplast. Pyranoids contain protein besides starch. ✓ inner layer of cellulose and outer layer of pectose.                     PHYAECOPHYEAE   The members of phyaecophyeae are Blue Algae are found primarily in Marine habitats. • chlorophyll A • Xanthophyll pigment , Fucoxanthin. • form an Laminarin or Mannitol.  • Gelatinous coating of Algin.  • Hold fast and haas a Stalk the stipe and leaf like photosynthesic organ fronds. • Asexual reproduction in Most brown algae is by bioflagellated zoospores.  • Porioform ( Pear - Shaped )  • Ectocarpus , Dictyota , Laminaria, Saragassum & Fuccus.                         RHODOPHYCAE    • The members of rhodophycae are commonly called red Algae.  • because of predominace of the red pigment, r – phycoerythrin in the body.

Know All About Algae in Short

Join our Telegram Group:- GroveStudies                      ALGAE Algae are chlorophyll bearing simple thalloid autotrophic and large aquatic both freshwater and marine. ✓ Fungii lichens and animal examples sloth bear. ✓ colonial form like wall wax and the filamentous form like you ulothrix and spirogyra. • asexual reproduction is a production of different type of sports the most common being the zoospores.  • they are flagellated motile. • flagellated and similar in size as ulothrix aur non flagellated non motile but similar in size as spirogyra. such reproduction is called Isogamous. Fusion of gametes dissimilar in size as in species of you Eudornia is termed as angiosperms. • fusion between one large non motile Static female gamete and smaller motile male gamete is termed to oogamous. example volvax and fucus.  • at least half of the total carbon dioxide fixation on the earth is carried out by algae is through the photosynthesis. photosynthetic the increase that level of dissolved o

Know Basics About Kingdom Plantae

Join our Telegram Group:- GroveStudies                     PLANT KINGDOM In the biological classification we looked at the broad classification of living organisms under the system proposed by Whittaker 1969. Which suggested the five kingdom.  • algae ,bryophytes, pteridophytes ,gymnosperms and angiosperms under plantae . ✓ gross superficial morphological based mananiy on vegetative characters on the the roecium structure system given by Linnaeus such system are artificial.  ✓ artificial system are gave equal weightages to vegetative and sexual characteristics this is not capable since we know that often the vegetative characters are more easily affected by environments. ✓  external features but also internal features like ultra structure anatomy embryology and phytochemistry such as classification for flowering plants was given by George Bentham and Joseph delton hooker. ✓ phylogenetic classification system based on evolutionary relationship. ✓ same taxa having a common and ancestors