Chlorophycae / Phyaecophyeae / Rhodophycae


The members of chlorophyceae are commonly called green algae.

✓ discoid , plate like, reticulate Cup shaped in different species.

✓ storage body is called pyrenoids located in the chloroplast. Pyranoids contain protein besides starch.

✓ inner layer of cellulose and outer layer of pectose.


The members of phyaecophyeae are Blue Algae are found primarily in Marine habitats.

• chlorophyll A

• Xanthophyll pigment , Fucoxanthin.

• form an Laminarin or Mannitol. 

• Gelatinous coating of Algin. 

• Hold fast and haas a Stalk the stipe and leaf like photosynthesic organ fronds.

• Asexual reproduction in Most brown algae is by bioflagellated zoospores. 

• Porioform ( Pear - Shaped ) 

• Ectocarpus , Dictyota , Laminaria, Saragassum & Fuccus.


• The members of rhodophycae are commonly called red Algae. 

• because of predominace of the red pigment, r – phycoerythrin in the body. 

• Floridean starch which is very similar to amyloprctin and glycogen in structures.

• The reproduce asexually by non-motile spores. And sexually by non – motile. 

• Sexual reproduction is oogamous and accompanied by complex post fertilization developments . the common memmbers are Polysiphonia Porphyra. Gracilaria and Gelidium. 


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