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Know all About "Reproduction in Organisms"

  Join our Telegram Group:- GroveStudies                  Chapter -1   Reproduction in Organisms /- Birth <--  Life span --  Natural death of an organisms . No individual is immortal except single called organisms.  Life span of important organisms /-    Butterfly -- 1 to 2 weeks Fruit fly -- 30 days Banana tree -- 30 years Banyan tree --  300 years Crocodile -- 60 years Organisms habitat, its internal physiology. Responsible for how it reduces. Reproduction --  Sexual / 2 parents, gametes formation - gametes fusion. Asexual / 1 parents, with / without gametes formation. Asexual reproduction /-  Common among unicellular organisms and in plants and animal with simple organisms. Offsprings are known as clones (morphology and genetically similar). Binary fission :-  Amoeba, Paramecium. Budding :-    Yeast. In fungi and similar plants a sexual reproduction structure at present. Zoospores :-                          Most common , Motile. Eg, Chlamydomonas. Conidia :-. Penicillium Buds

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Shot Notes // Grove Production

     CHAPTER 2 –     SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN FLOWERING PLANTS   All flowering plants show sexual reproduction. At least five flowers of ornamental value that are commonly cultivated at homes and in garden. PRE-FERTILISATION : STRUCTURES AND EVENTS :- Androecium consists of a whorl of stamens representing the male reproductive organ and the gynocium represents the female reproductive organ.   Stamen – the long and slender stalk called the Filament. Bilobed structure called the anther. The proximal end of the filament is attached to the thalamus or the petal of the flower. The number and length of stamens are variable in flowers of different species. A typical angiosperm anther is bilobed with each lobe having two theca, i.e, they are dithecous. The anther is a four- sided (tetragonal) structure consisting of four microsporangia located at the corners, two in each lobe. The microsporangia develop further and become pollen sacs. It nourishes the developing polle

Human Reproduction - NEET Short Note + 20+ PYQS ๐Ÿ˜

HUMAN REPRODUCTION [ Short Notes ]  Testes are formed within the abdomen. Soon after the birth or at the 8 th month of pregnancy they descent into the scrotal sac (scrotum) and inguinal canal . The low temperature (2-2.5 C less than the body temperature) of scrotum helps for proper functioning of testes and for spermatogenesis. Seminal plasma is rich in fructose, Ca2+  and enzymes.   A pair of Cowper’s glands (bulbo-urethral glands) in Males lubricates the penis. รจ Ampulla is wider part & Isthmus is narrow part of oviducts (fallopian tubes) of females. รจ Labia majora is a large, fleshy, fatty and hairy outer folds. surrounds vaginal opening. A membrane which partially covers the vaginal opening called hymen also called Maiden head.   After spermatogenesis, sperm heads become embedded in the Sertoli cells and are finally releases from seminiferous tubules. It is called spermiation . Under the control of FSH and testosterone, Sertoli cells secrete an androgen bin

Principle of Inheritance & Variation - Grove Production

 NCERT Solution for Chapter 5 -  Principle of Inheritance & Variation    Self-made Question/Answer Notes made by " Grove Production ". Click here to Download Notes - Principle of Inheritance & Variation Subscribe for more  Notes :-  "Grove Production" :-     Youtube channel