Human Reproduction - NEET Short Note + 20+ PYQS 😍


Testes are formed within the abdomen. Soon after the birth or at the 8th month of pregnancy they descent into the scrotal sac (scrotum) and inguinal canal .

The low temperature (2-2.5 C less than the body temperature) of scrotum helps for proper functioning of testes and for spermatogenesis.

Seminal plasma is rich in fructose, Ca2+  and enzymes.


A pair of Cowper’s glands (bulbo-urethral glands) in Males lubricates the penis.

è Ampulla is wider part & Isthmus is narrow part of oviducts (fallopian tubes) of females.

è Labia majora is a large, fleshy, fatty and hairy outer folds. surrounds vaginal opening.

A membrane which partially covers the vaginal opening called hymen also called Maiden head.


After spermatogenesis, sperm heads become embedded in the Sertoli cells and are finally releases from seminiferous tubules. It is called spermiation .

Under the control of FSH and testosterone, Sertoli cells secrete an androgen binding protein (ABP) that concentrates or Leyding cells that lie between the seminiferous tubules and secrete testosterone, which is essential for making sperm.


Sertoli cells also secrete another protein, called inhibin, which suppresses FSH synthesis.


Entry of the sperm restarts the cell cycle breaking down MPF (M-phase promoting factor) and turning on the APC (Anaphase promoting complex).

An average human ejaculate of 3-4 ml of semen contains 80-100 million spermatozoa.

Phenomenon of sperm activation in mammals is known capacitation. It takes about 5-6 hours for capacitation.


The human placenta is reffered to as chorioallantropic placenta..

Soluble inorganic and organic materials nutrients, hormones, antibodies against diphtheria, small pox, scarlet fever, measles, etc. can pass from the mother to the foetus through placenta.


The HCG stimulates the corpus luteum of pregnancy that continues to secrete progesterone until the end of pregnancy.

Exposure to certain chemicals, may cause malformations in the developing embryo. Such agents are called teratogens (monster forming).


Progesterone is required continually during entire period of gestation of pregnancy. It is, therefore, called pregnancy hormone. 

The first milk which comes out from the mother’s mammary glands just after child birth is known as colostrum.


Milk contains an inhibitory peptide. If the breasts are not fully emptied, the peptide accumulates and inhibits milk production.


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