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Agronomy Test Paper Solutions 02

 Join Telegram Group GroveStudies.  Section A  GroveStudies Production: 1 A.   A cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale commercially, especially a cereal, fruit, or vegetable is called Crop. 1B.  Multistoried cropping are multi-layer cropping and multi-tire cropping. It is one kind of intercropping. Growing plants of different height in the same field at the same time. 1C. Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area across a sequence of growing seasons. It reduces reliance on one set of nutrients, pest and weed pressure, and the probability of developing resistant pests and weeds. 1D.  In agriculture, monoculture is the practice of growing one crop species in a field at a time.  In agriculture, monocropping is the practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land. Maize, soybeans, and wheat are three common crops often monocropped. Monocropping is also referred to as cont...

GroveStudies present Agronomy Important Topics for Mid Semester 2 Weed Managements

  GroveStudies Production Agronomy :-  Contents ;- Weeds classification  Loss and gain of weeds  Weed Contents  Water use efficiency Herbicides  Advantages and disadvantage  Growth and development Irrigation And different methods  Drip and Sprinkler ----------------------------------------------- What is Weed?  Weeds may be defined as the unwanted and undesirable plant which interfere with the utilisation of land and water resources and adversely affect human welfare the term Veda was firstly used by Jethro Tull. According to their economic importance of weeds :-  Relative weeds :-  unwanted plant which has some economic importance but called weeds because these are grown out of their places.  Example:- cynodon dactylon. Absolute weeds :-  unwanted plant which has no economic value and growing out of their proper place.   Ex :- euphorbia hirta. Losses caused by weeds :-  Weeds compete with the crop for thei...

Agronomy Test Paper Solutions

 Q. Define Agronomy ? A.   The branch of agriculture science which deals with the principle and practices of soil water and field management. Q. Define Agriculture? A.  Agronomy is a art and business which deals with the crop production management with the help of life stock.  Q. Define crop and classify the crop on basis of seasons.  A. Crop is a plant that can grow and harvested extensively for profit. There are three types of crops on basis of season Kharif season June to November Ravi season November to April  Zaid season summer crop March June Q. What do you mean by Annual Crop, biennial crop and perennial crop. A.  Annual Crop :-  plant is a plant that complete its life cycle from germination to production of seed within a growing season and then dies. Example watermelon, Pea, Etc.  Biennial Plants. :- biennial plants is a flowering plant that take place two years to complete life cycle.  Example :-  Perennial Plants :- p...