Agronomy Test Paper Solutions

 Q. Define Agronomy ?

A.   The branch of agriculture science which deals with the principle and practices of soil water and field management.

Q. Define Agriculture?

A.  Agronomy is a art and business which deals with the crop production management with the help of life stock. 

Q. Define crop and classify the crop on basis of seasons. 

A. Crop is a plant that can grow and harvested extensively for profit.

There are three types of crops on basis of season

Kharif season June to November

Ravi season November to April 

Zaid season summer crop March June

Q. What do you mean by Annual Crop, biennial crop and perennial crop.

A.  Annual Crop :-  plant is a plant that complete its life cycle from germination to production of seed within a growing season and then dies.

Example watermelon, Pea, Etc. 

Biennial Plants. :- biennial plants is a flowering plant that take place two years to complete life cycle. 

Example :- 

Perennial Plants :- perennial crop is a crop that unlike in crops it takes more than two years to complete it is life cycle. 


Q. What is optimum plant population describe factor affecting. ?

A. The number of plant required to produce maximum output in biomass per unit area the factors affecting of plant is availability of water and nutrients and sunlight and size.

Q. Define fertilizers and classify with the example.

A. Fertilizers are inorganics synthetic substance containing one or two plant nutrients in easily soluble and quickly available form. 
In addition of crops may be supplied with exact quantity of nutrients required for their plant growth and development of soil of varying fertility levels.
State fertilizers:-  are those which supply only one plant nutrients N,P,K 
Ex. Urea, Potassium Chloride.
Complex fertilizer:- contains two or three primary plant nutrients of which two primary nutrients are in chemical combination. 
Ex. Nitro phosphate, Ammonium Phosphate. 
Mixed fertilizer:- mixed fertilizers are the physically mixture of state fertilizers day which they contains two or three primary plant nutrients.
Ex. Sodium Nitrate, calcium Nitrate. 

Q. What is crop density and crop geometry write its importance in successful production of crop.

A. Number of plants present in per unit ground area is called crop density and crop geometry is arrangement of crop in different row and column to utilise the resource is called crop geometry.
Importance of Crop density and crop geometry are:- 
* Utilise a resource of water properly.
* Utilise the light
* Utilise the nutrients.

Q. What do you mean by nutrient deficiency write its impact on successful production of crops.

A. It is defined as the deficiency or low amount of nutrients in crop to grow better.
Impact on crop duty crop deficiency is:- 
* Due to nutrient deficiency crop does not break its dormancy. 
* Plant died due to deficiency of nutrients.
* Leaves become yellow and caused by reduced production of chlorophyll.

Q. What do you mean by selective and non selective herbicides discuss with suitable example.

A. Selective herbicides are able to select target borrowed leaf weeds Agra sweets depending on chemical without harming main crop.
Where as the non selective herbicides are are not able to select or kill any plants they come about contact with like glycophosate.

Q. Write the role of agronomist in successful production of crop.

A. The role of Agronomist are :- 
1. Agronomist AIMS at obtaining maximum production at minimum cost by applying science.
2. Planning programming executing measures for efficient use of lands labour capital and other factors of production.
3. Farming system to ensure reasonable harvest under adverse environment condition.
4. Choice of Crop and cultivators applied to the particular land situation for optimum yield s.
5. Experimentation for improved crop production technology. 

Q. Define tillage and Tilth.  write its objective and different kind of tillage with suitable example.

A. Tillage is  physical manuplanation of soil with tools and implements to result in gold test for better germination of seed and subsequent growth of crops.
Tilth is the physical condition of soil resulting from tillage.
Objective of tillage:- 
1. Tillage improve the soil aeration which is beneficial for religious federation of plant root and soil microorganisms and their multiplication.
2. Tillage provide the conditions for suitable growth nutrients and development of beneficial soil organisms.
3. Tillage remove the hard pan that increase the soil depth for water absorption.
Types of Tillage :- 
Preparatory tillage :- Tillage operation that are carried out to prepare the field for raising crops from harvest of Crop sowing the next crop are known as prati tillage.
Primary tillage :- the tillage operation that is done after the harvest of Crop to bring the land under cultivation is known as primary tillage. Primary tillage is done mainly to open hard soil and to separate the topsoil from lower layer to up routing of weed.
Secondary tillage :- secondary tillage country consist of lighter or final operation which is done to clean the soil break the clouds and incorporate the manure and fertilizers.

Q. Define seeds. and what are the different methods of sowing discuss in details write its advantage and disadvantages.

A. The seeds may be defined as the fertilised ovule consisting of intact embryo is stored food and coat which is variable and has got a capacity to germinate.
There are some common methods used for sewing crops as follows. 
Broadcasting ;- advantages :- 
1. It is easy quick and cheap method of sowing seed.
2. Mor land covered within short time. 
Disadvantages :- 
1. Requirement of seed per acre is more. 
2. The cost of weeding and thinning in broadcast crop is more.
Dibbling :- Advantages :- 
1. It is most suitable method for wide space plant crops such as vegetable fruits crop etc.
2 . Sowing of seeds at definite spacing is possible.
Disadvantages :- 
1. Uniform germination is not possible if all seeds are not placed as uniform depth.
2. It is difficult to maintain uniform seed rate per acre.
Drilling :- Advantages :- 
1. The seeds rates per acca become less.
2. Drilling maintain uniform spacing of seeds and also uniform plant population per unit area.
Disadvantages :- 
1. Drilling requires and implement such as she drills which increase the cost of cultivation.
2. Drilling required more time energy and cost.

Q. What do you understand by green manuring and discuss the different types of green manuring an advantage and disadvantages.

A. Green Man yours are the organic components of leaf which we use in bulk amount in soil for nutrients green manures are generally two types :- 
Insitu :- in this manner we collect on yard leaf to make manure. 
Exsitu :- this menu in this menus we collect the other yard of our menus are green plants and brings to other field.

Q. What do you mean by crop nutrition and write its advantages and disadvantages in successful production of crops.

A. Crop needs nutrients for growth and quality production to improve crop nutrition and identify crop well adapted to low soil fertility particula efficiency of utilising nutrients.
Advantages :- 
Increase in soil fertility
 increase in crop yield 
increase in soil nutrition
 reduce soil erosion
 reduce the stress of weeds
 improve the soil structure.

Q. What do you mean by fertilizer applications? Discuss in detail with different method of fertilization application. 

A. It is referred do the spraying of fertilizers solution containing one or more more growing plants nutrients elements are really absorbed by leaves when they are this dissolve in water and spray on them.
Application before sowing 
Application at sowing 
Application after Sowing 

Q. What do you mean by modern concept of tillage. Discuss in detail. 

A. Modern concept of tillage are :- 
1. It improves the physical condition of soil and make better air water temperature relationship with the soil.
2. This condition help in better growth and activities of soil microorganisms.
3. Tillage make the soil suitable for sowing of seeds and it also contains weeds in the field. 
4. In recent time the concept of tillage has been changed to Minimum and Zero Tillage. 

Q. What do you mean by quality of seeds write its impact on germination and production of crops. 

A. It is the position of seed with require genetic and physical beauty that is accompanied with the physiological soundness and health status.

Quality of seed is crucial in crop performance where as the effect of other inputs such as fertilizer dose and delegation in crop performance also depend on the seed quality. 

Q. Define manures. Classify the manures and write its advantages of manures.

A. Manure use other substance which are organic in nature capable of supplying plant nutrients in available form bulking nature having low and analytical value and having no definite composition and the most of them are obtained from animal and plant waste product.
These are a good source of micronutrients.
Improve soil fertility.
Cost effective and easily available
Reduce soil erosion.
Improve the physical property of soil.
Improve the water and nutrients holding capacity in soils.


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