Kingdom Monera / Archaebacteria / Eubacteria

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                 KINGDOM MONERA

Bacteria are the sole member of Kingdom Monera.

Bacteria are grouped under four categories based on their save the spherical based on rod shaped Baccilus (Bacilli) , coma saved vibranium (vibrio) and the spiral Spirillum (Spirilia).

Through the bacterial structure is very simple they are very complex in behaviour.

* Bacteria show the most extensive metabolic diversity.


These bacteria are special since they live in habitats such as extreme salty areas halophiles, hot springs ( thermoacidophiles).

Archaebacteria differs from other bacteria in having a different from cell wall structure and this feature is responsible for their survival in extreme conditions. Methane gents are present in the gut of several ruminant animals such as cow and buffalo and they are responsible for the production of methane biogas from the dung of these animals.


Eubacteria or "true bacteria".

* Cyanobacteria (also referred to as blue green algae) or filamentous.

* colonies are generally surrounded by gelatinous Sheath.

* bloom in polluted water bodies.

* can fix atmospheric nitrogen in specialised cells called heterocysts.

** nostoc and anabaena "chemosynthetic autotrophic" bacteria oxidise various inorganic substances such as nitrates and ammonia.

Great role in recycling nutrients like nitrogen ,Phosphorus, iron and sulphur.

"Heterotrophic Bacteria" are most abundant in nature.

Many of them have a significant input on human affairs.

* Ful in making curd from milk, production of antibiotic.

** cholera ,typhoid, tetanus , citrus,canker are well known disease caused by different bacterias.

PVR reproduce mainly by fusion

The favourable condition they produce spores.

Mycoplasma are organisms that completely lack a cell wall.

They are the smallest living cells known and can survive without oxygen.

Many nucleoplasm are pathogenic in animals and plants.


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