Kingdom fungi / ascomycetes / basidomycetes / deuteromycetes

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Unique Kingdom of heterotrophic organisms.

* Great diversity in morphology and habitat.

* Antibiotic "Penicillium".

* Slender thread like structure called hyphae.

* The network of hyphae is known as mycelium.

* The cell walls of fungi are composed of chitin and polysaccharides. 

* Most of Punjabi are heterotrophs peak and observe soluble organic matter from dead substrate and hence are called saprophytes.

* Reproduction each function can take place by vegetative means fragmentation fission and budding.

* A sexual reproduction called cornelia and sporangiospore or zoospores , and sexual reproduction by oospores , ascospores and basidospores. The various sports are produced in distinct structure called fruiting bodies.

The sexual cycle involves the three steps :- 

a. Fusion is protoplasm between two motile or nonmotile gametes called plasogamy. 

b. Fusion of two nuclei is called karyogamy.

c. Meiosis in zigotes resulting in haploid scores.


(N + N that is two per cells) ocas only called dikaryon and the face is called dikaryophase. 

The morphology of mycelium mode of formation and fruiting bodies from the basis of for the division of kingdom into various classes.

    PHYCOMYCETES ( algae , Fungi) 

The mycelium aseptate and coniocytic zoospore motile or aplanospore non motile. 

These sports are endogenously be produced in sporangium.

• Mucor , Rhizopus ( the bread moulds mention earlier) and Albugo ( the parasite fungi on mustard).


Multicellular example Penicillium or rarely unicellular example Yeast ( sicromycetes). 

• coprophilous (growing on dung ) branched and septate.

• neurospora is used extensively in biochemical and gentle work.

• many members like morels and truffles are edible and considered delicacies.


• mushroom brackets Punjab and puffballs example rust and smuts.

• the mycelium is branched and septate. 

The sexual spores are generally not found.

• The sex organ are absent by fusion of two vegetative for somatic cell of different strain or genotype.

Karyogamy and meiosis take place in the basidium producing four basidospores. The basis of spores are extensively produced on the basidium. 

Arrange in fruiting bodies card basidiocarps.

Agricus ( mushroom) , Ustilogo ( Smut ) puccinia ( Rust Fungus ) .


commonly known as the imperfect fungi because only the actual or vegetative phase of the these fungi are known. 

• asexual and vegetative stage.


• the mycelium is septate and branched.

• decomposers of litter and help in minerals cycling.

• alternaria and trichoderma


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