Virus, Viroids Prions and Lichens

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In the five kingdom classification of whittaker there is known as mention of lichen and some a cellular organisms virus,viroids and prions.

The virus are non cellular organisms that are characterized by having an in insert crystalline structure outside the living cell.

The name virus that means venom or poisonous fluid was given by of the the Dimitri Ivanocosky 1892 recognise certain microbes as casual organisms of the the mosaic disease of tobacco.

These were found to be smaller than bacteria because they are passed through bacteria proof filter.

M.W. Beijerinek 1898 demonstrated that the the extract of the infected plants of tobacco could cause infection in healthy plants and called the fluids of contagium vivum fluidum (infectious living fluids). 

W.M. Stanley 1935 show that virus could be crystalline and crystals consists lajari of proteins.

• virus are obligate parasite.

• viruses are contains genetic materials.

• no viruses contains both RNA and DNA.

• plants are single stranded RNA.

• bacterial viruses for a bacteriophages viruses that in fact the bacteria are usually double stranded DNA viruses.

• the protein coat cal cash paid made up of small subunits called capsomers protect the nucleic acid.

• the capsomers are arranged in the helical or polyhedral geometric forms.

• viruses cord disease like mumps , smallpox.

• ads cause humans in also caused by viruses in plants the symptoms can be mosaic formation leaf rolling and curling yellow and when cleaning dwarfing and stunted growth.


In 1971 T.O. Diener discovered New infectious agent that was a smaller than viruses.

• caused potato spindle Tuber disease.

• it was found to be a free RNA. 


• the RNA of the viroids was also low molecular weights.


Encephalopathy (BSE) commonly called hadgaon disease cattle and its analogue variant CR jakob disease CJD in humans.


Lichens are symbolic mutual useful association between algae and fungi the algal component known as the phycobiont and fungi component. 

Mycobiont lichens are very good pollution indicate they do not grown in polluted area.


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