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  AI & Robotics in Floriculture: Current scenario and opportunities in India by Prashant Sharma is licensed under CC BY 4.0


  AI & Robotics in Floriculture: Current scenario and opportunities in India  © 2024  by  Prashant Sharma  is licensed under   CC BY 4.0 

CSS - Cascading Style Sheet Introduction by GroveStudies

CSS by Grovestudies   Grovestudies  CSS - Cascading Style Sheet  CSS is a language which is used to create or style a web page.  Contents : \ what is CSS ? History of CSS CSS editors  CSS Basic structure  CSS comments Different ways to create CSS  CSS Selectors  Background properties  Color property  Border Property  Box Model  Introduction  CSS - Cascading style Sheet  If HTML is the structure of web page then we use CSS to give look and feel of the web page.  It is the language to make website look presentable and beautiful  Design to make style for web.  Breaking the CSS -      Cascading - Falling of Styles      Style : Adding design / styling to HTML tags      Sheets :  Writing our style in different documents  History  1994 : First proposed by Hakon Wium Lie on 10th October.  1996 : CSS become official (Published in December )  1997 : Created level 2  1998 : Published on 12th May  CSS Editors  Atom  Brackets  Espresso ( MAC user)  Notepad ++ ( good for Html or CSS)  Komodo edit  S

Empowering the Next Generation of Agriculture / Seminar conducted in @uniteduniversity

  Empowering the Next Generation of Agriculture / Seminar conducted in @uniteduniversity 

Agriculture Informatics PPT by Mr Prashant Sharma

Expert System by Mr Prashant Sharma  Video link   PPT Link Drishti Singh ppt Click here

Plant breeding

 The following are the methods of breeding autogamous plants. 1. Introduction 2. Selection a) Pure line selection b) Mass selection 3. Hybridization and selection i) Inter varietal a) Pedigree Method b) Bulk Method. c) Single Seed Descent Method. d) Modified Bulk Method e) Mass - Pedigree Method.  ii) Interspecific hybridization 4. Back cross method 5. Multiline varieties 6. Population approach 7. Hybrids. 8. Mutation breeding 9. Polyploidy breeding 10. Innovative techniques I. Plant introduction Definition Taking a genotype or a group of genotypes in to a new place or environment where they were not grown previously. Thus introduction may involve new varieties of a crop already grown in that area, a wild relative of the crop species or totally a new crop species for that area. E.g. a) Introduction of lRRl rice varieties..  b) Introduction of sunflower wild species from Russia  c) Introduction of oilpalm in to Tamil Nadu.


 Seed Acts  1. Short title, extent and commencement. 2. Definition 3. Central seed committee 4. Central and state seed lab 5. Power to notify kind or variety 6. Power to specify minimum limits of germination 7. Regulation of sales and seed 8. Certification Agency 9. Grant certification and certification agent 10. Revocation of certificate 11. Appeal 12. Seed analysis 13. Seed inspector 14. Power of seed inspectors 15. Procedure to be followed by seed inspector 16. Report of seed analysis 17. Restrictions on export and import of seed 18. Recognition of seed certification agency of foreign country 19. Penalty 20. For features of property 21. Offence by companies 22. Protection of action taken in good faith 23. Power to give direction 24. Exemption 25.  Power to make rules