Chapter 01 Fundamentals Of Crop Physiology

Crop physiology is the bridge between agronomy and basic science in agriculture.

The science which deals with the knowledge about plants which called by botany. 

The notion for physiology originated from Greek by joining the words physis which means "functions" and logos means 'science'. 

The science of plant physiology is appeared in 1780  when the Frenchman J. Senebier edited his first monograph in 5 volume as plant physiology.

Plant physiology 

Plant physiology is the branch of botany which deals with the fundamental process and functions in plant.
Mental processes of plant like photosynthesis, nutritions ,respiration, hormone, seed germination, transpiration and plant water relation are studied under plant physiology.

Crop physiology

Crop physiology deals with the definite plant population in a unit area of land. 
The study of group of plants under a given set of soil and environment pollution. 

The crop physiology in hence the production potential of cross by better utilisation of physiology process where the source as well as the sink levels.

Importance of plant physiology in agriculture: 

Production physiology

Stomatal physiology

Stress physiology 

Nutrio- Physiology 

Hormonal Physiology

Tissue Culture 

Synthetic Seeds 

Seed Physiology 


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