Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Test Paper Solutions

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Fundamentals Of Bio Chemistry and Plant Biotechnology :- 

Q1. Why dihydroxy acetone is not optically active compound?

A. The dihydroxy acetone does not contain a chiral carbon and does not exist as a pair of stereoisomers. 

Q2. Why do most of the animal are able to digest starch but not cellulose? 

A. Starch involve specifically to be digested that because it is a way to store glucose for later use and thus is chemical structure is fairly easy to digest. 
Cellulose was made to be long lasting structure substance in other words it involve specifically to be resistant to digest.
 the ability to digest cellulose is hard involve and make more energy to accomplish.

Q3. Define stereoisomers? 

A. Stereoisomers isomers which possesses same molecular formula, but different in the spital  arrangement of atoms or groups. 
Stereoisomers can be classified broadly into geometrical isomers and isomers that contain asymmetric centre.

Q4. Why ice float on the surface of water?

A.  Ice floats because it is less dense than water.
  • Water has density of 1.0 gm/cubic cm 
  •  density of ice is 0.931 gram per cubic cm
The hydrogen bond that forms when water freezes into ice allow the molecules to be spaced farther apart, making them more space decreasing the overall density and making it flow in water .
the water molecules in ice take up about 9% more space than liquid water which means ice is about 9% less dense than water.

Q5. Define Epimers ? Give a Suitable Example? 

A. Epimers is specifies one of a pair of stereoisomers. 
 epimers is two isomers present in molecules differ while the rest remain change identical.
Example :-  

Q6. When Ghee Exposed too long to the oxygen in the air, it gives unpleasant taste and smell why? 

A. Development of unpleasant smell and taste in fat and oil containing food due to aerial oxidation and rancidity.  

Q7. Why fats are solid while liquid at room temperature discuss with suitable example.

A. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature due to their molecular shape.
This change in structural cause the fat molecules very well resulting in fat they are liquid at room temperature. Butter is mostly saturated fats that's why its solid at room temperature.

Q8. What do you mean by mutarotation. ?

A. Mutarotation is the change in the optical rotation because of the change in the equilibrium between two anomers. 

Q9. What is the difference between alpha and beta anomers.?

A. The main difference between alpha and beta glucose is that the HYDROXYL group is attached to the first carbon atom in Alpha glucose is located on the same side as the -CH2OH. 
whereas the HYDROXYL group attached to the first first carbon of the beta glucose is located on the opposite side. 

Q10. Give a brief account on the chemical properties of water.

A. Chemical properties of water is react with a lot of substance from different compound some significant regions are follows ;- 
- Amphoteric nature water can act as both acid and base which means that is amphoteric in nature.
- Redox reaction electropositive element reduced to hydrogen molecules.
Hydrolysis reaction water has a very strong.
-  hydrating tendency to to is dielectric constant. Indizel many ionic compounds.

Q11. What is saponification valu ine and why it is important? 

A.  Saponification is simply the process of making soap. 
Soaps are just potassium or sodium salt of long chain fatty acids. 
During saponification ester react with an inorganic base to produce alcohol and soap. 

Q12. Define buffer and give an example of acid and alkaline buffer. 

A. A buffer is a solution that can resist pH change upon the addition of acidic or basic components. 
It is also able to neutralize small amount of added acid or base does maintaining the pH of solution relatively  stable. 

Q13. Define polycycride and describe the structure of two homopolysacharride and one heteropolysacharrides ? 

A. Polysaccharide aur polycarbonate hydrates are the most abundant carbohydrate found in food.
 They are launched and polymeric carbohydrate composed of monosaccharide unit bound together by a glycosidic linkage. 
Heteropolysaccharides contain two or more different monosaccharide units. 
Homeo polysaccharide is classified as age and that contains only one type of monosaccharide unit. 

Q14. Derive henderson hasselbalch equation.? 

A. pH scale to pka + log ( salt / acid). 
This form of ionization or dissociation constant expression is called the henderson hasselbalch equation. 

Q15. Write the account on the classification of derived monosaccharide with example? 

A. Derived monosaccharides differ from normal monosaccharide with respect to aldoses and ketose. 
They include the glycoside sugar phosphate amino sugar and vitamin c. 

Q16. Give account for the importance of biochemistry in agriculture. 

A. Agriculture chemistry helps to understand the cause and effect of bi chemical reaction related to the plant and growth. 
It gives an opportunity for controlling those reaction and develop chemical products that will provide desired assistance or control.

Q17. Define phospholipid give suitable example? 

A. Phospholipids are major component of plasma membrane,
The outermost layer of Animal cells.
Fats their composed of fatty acids chain to attach to a glycerol backbone. 

Q18. Write the physical properties and important of carbohydrates. 

A. The physical properties of carbohydrates are ;- 
Stereoisomers :- compound the same structural formula but they differ spatial configuration example glucose has two isomers with respect to the D and L carbon atoms. 
Optical activity :- it is a rotation of plane polarised light forming (+)  glucose and (-)  glucose.
Anomerism :- it is a spatial configuration with the respect to the first carbon atom in aldoses and the second carbon atom in ketose. 

The importance of carbohydrate :- 
Carbohydrates are your body name source of energy.
They helped fuel your brain kidney heart muscle and central nervous system. 
Carbohydrates are good source of vitamins minerals and nutrients. 

Q19. What is the difference between reducing and non reducing disaccharides. 

A. The main difference between reducing and nonreducing sugar is have free aldehyde or ketone group whereas
 non reducing sugar do not have free aldehyde or ketone group. 

Q20. Write any three chemical properties of. Lipids ? 

A. The three chemical properties of lipids are :- 
  1. Lipids are oily or greasy nonpolar molecules. Store in the adipose tissue of the body. 
  2. Lipids are heterogeneous  group of compounds mainly composed of hydrocarbon chain. 
  3. Lipids are are energy rich organic molecules which provide the energy for different life processes. 


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