Fundamentals of Soil Science Test Paper Solutions


Q1. What do you mean by soil profile?

A. The vertical section of soil showing the various layer from the surface to the unaffected parent materials bedrock is known as soil profile.

Q2. What is Clod?

A. Clod is a lump or mass is specially of earth or clay. 

Q3. What do you mean by acidic soil?

A. Acidic soil are commonly referred to as the being sour by definition acidity is the characteristic of soil that have a pH level of less than 7 reading of being 7 is neutral.

Q4. What do you understand by land levelling?

A. Land leveling is a measure used in surface irrigation such as basin and furrow irrigation the the preparation of irrigation plot in a way that no high and low spots disturb the uniform distribution of irrigation water on the field and ensure the optimal slope for water movement across the field when irrigated.

Q5. What do you mean by alluvial soil?

A. Alluvial soil sa soil deposited by surface water. 
Alluvial soils are soils which consists of earth and sand left behind on the land which has been flooded or where a river once flowed.

Q6. What is approaches of soil discuss in brief. 

A. Historical development of science gives us to concept of soil study one treat as soil as natural body weather and synthesized product of nature while the other treats the soil as medium for plant growth. 
This conception leads to the the approaches that can be used in studying soil is 
Pedological and 

Q7. Write difference between soil and land.

A. Land :- 
  • Land is a two dimensional natural body at surface.
  • The part of  earth is not covered by water.
  • Land includes all elements of physical and biological environment road building vegetation etc. 
  • It represent geographical area and landscape.
Soil :- 
  • Soil is the three dimensional natural body on earth surface
  •  it is the part of land in which plant grow 
  •  soil is a thin layer of materials on on the earth surface in which plant have their roots
  •  it is recognised by digging a pit and exposing its profile.

Q8.  Discuss the different disciplines of soil science.

A. Soil science has 6 well defined and develop disciplines :- 
  1. Pedology
  2.  edaphology
  3.  soil chemistry
  4.  soil geology 
  5. soil biology 
  6. soil conservation

Q9. Write about soil fertility and productivity?

A. Soil fertility refers to the ability of soil to sustain agriculture plant growth it provide plant habitat and result in sustained and consistent yield of high quality.
Soil productivity is defined as the capacity of soil in its normal environment to support plant growth. 

Q10. Describe the role of soil porosity in successful production of crops.

A.  Soil space also called voids in a soil consists of that portion of soil volume not occupied by solid iron mineral or organic.
The Pore space under field conditions are required at all times by air and water.
Pore space directory control the amount of water and air in the soil indirectly influence the plant growth and crop Production. 

Q11. What is the mulching how it is useful for production of crop?

A. Mulching is an agricultural and horticultural technique in which the use of organic is is involved.
 the technique is very useful for product protecting the root of the plant from heat cold. mulching is used to cover soil surface around the plant to create condition for growth.

Q12. Define soil write its functions and characteristics of soil.

A.  Soil is defined as the dynamic natural body on the surface of earth in which plant grows composed of mineral and organic materials and living form. 

Q13. Write the impact of organic manure on soil physical properties.

A. Organic source of nutrients to improve soil physical chemical properties.
Bulk density water holding capacity porosity and organic carbon.
The highest organic carbon content was noticed with the application of sewage sludge 0.68 percent by poultry manure. 

Q14. What is soil air how crop production affected by due to poor aeration.

A. Part of soil volume that is not occupied by soil particles is known as pore space.
space are filled with partly with soil water and partly with soil air.
 the Pore  space is affected by water and air both the volume of air is inversely with that of water  increases the air content decreases.

The factors affected by poor ration of crop is:-

Amount of air space

Soil organic matter

Soil moisture

Seasonal difference.

Q15. What do you mean by soil structure and factor affecting soil structure and role of soil structure in crop production. 

A. The arrangement and organisation of primary and secondary particle in a soil mass is known as soil structure.
Soil structure control the amount of water and air present in soil plant and root germination seed required sufficient air and oxygen for respiration bacterial activity of the depend on the supply of water and air in soil.
The arrangement of primary particles and their aggregate into certain definite pattern is called soil structure.  

Factor affecting soil structures on crop production are:- 

  1. Climate 
  2. organic matter
  3.  tillage 
  4. plant root and recidues
  5.  animals
  6.  microbes 
  7. fertilizers 
  8. Wet and  drying soil

Q16. What do you mean by soil porosity classify the soil pores and what factors affecting the soil porosity.

A. Force in soil consists of that portion of the soil volume not occupied by soil solids minerals or organic.
Porsche directly control the amount of water and air in the soil and indirect influence the plant growth and crop production.
The factors affecting the soil pore are
  1. Macro Pores :- large sized are referred to the macro course which allows the air and water move radially. Sand and Sandy soils are have large number of macro - pore it found between the granules.
  2. Micro Pores or Capillary Pores :-   smaller side course are generally refer to the micro and capillary pores in which movement of air and water is restricted to some extent clay soils have greater number of micro or Capillary Pores. 

Q17. What do you understand by water logging how crop production is affected by water logging.

A. Waterlogging is is the natural flooding and over irrigation that bring water at underground level. to the surface the air occur in the soil with the corresponding change in the soil for processes and accumulation of toxic substance that increase plant growth. 
Nutrient deficiency is one of the major effect of water logging on the plant resulting in resume photosynthesis and net carbon fixation leading to reduction in growth and in yield. 

Q18. What do you mean by physical property of soil write its advantage in crop production.

A. The physical property of soil are very important for agriculture production and the sustainable use of soil.
The amount and rate of water oxygen and nutrient absorption by plant depends on the ability of root to 
absorb the soil solution 
as well as the ability to soil to supply it to the root.

Q19 :- Discuss in detail different factors affecting soil texture. 

A. Soil texture refers to the proportion of sand, silt and clay sized particles that make up the minerals fractions of the soil. 

Various wale August depending upon the following several factors;- 
  1.  arrangement of soil particle :- particle naya element in polymer form give the most often open packing system result in very low amount of soil pore space.
  2. organic matter
  3.  microorganism 
  4. depth of soil 
  5. soil cropping
  6.  puddling.

Q20 :- Define Soil Texture. Different classes of the soil texture write its importance in details. 

A. Soil texture is a classification instrument used in the field and laboratory to determine soil classes based on their physical texture. 
Texture refers to the size of the particle that make up the soil. 
Soil texture and it's importance are :- 
  • Drainage 
  • Water holding capacity 
  • Aeration
  • Reduce soil erosion
  • pH buffering capacity 
  • Organic matter content 

Q21. Define soil temperature? What are the different factors involve in affecting the soil temperature. 

A. Agriculture is the exploitation of solar energy in presence of water and nutrients for plant growth. The solar energy is the main source of heart for soil which determine the thermal regime of soil and growth of plants. 

Heart is a form of energy and temperature is a measure of the best energy.
Factors affecting soil Temperature :- 
  1. Soil texture :- A grained soil carries a large amount of water they are for this reasons also slow to warm. 
  2. Soil Structure :- soil structure also affecting soil temperature by controlling the pore space. 
  3. Soil Composition :- the soil is composed partly of mineral matter and partly organic. 
  4. Soil colour 
  5. Soil moisture 
  6. Slope of the land 
  7. Vegetative cover 


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