Scope of Biochemistry

Neuberg introduced the term biochemistry in 1903.

The early part of 20th century witnessed a 
sudden outburst of knowledge in chemical analysis, separation methods, electronic
instrumentation for biological studies (X-ray diffraction, electron microscope, etc) which
ultimately resulted in understanding the structure and function of several key molecules involved
in life processes such as proteins, enzymes, DNA and RNA.

Scope of Biochemistry 

1) To evaluate ( मूल्यांकन करना )  nutritive value of cereals, pulses, oilseed, fruits and vegetable.

2) Formulation of balanced diet.

3) Removal and inactivation of toxic or anti nutritional factors present in food grains in general and grain
legumes in particular by breeding and chemical treatments. e.g. ODAP in Keshari dal, Trypsin inhibitors.

4) Development and exploitation of better genotypes.
5) Food preservation and processing technology and post-harvest physiology of fruit crops and vegetables and their nutritional quality.

6) Biochemistry of disease and pest resistance.

7) Biochemistry of drought resistance, proline and hydroxyproline imparts drought resistance to Jowar.

8) Use of nonconventional sources of protein foods (NCAP) sources are animal feed resources that are not traditionally used to formulate feed for the livestock. These feed resources include earthworms, locusts, termites, maggots, caterpillars, cockroaches and snails., single cell proteins, fish protein concentrates, mushrooms and leaf proteins.

9) Developments in the field of inter mediatory metabolism i.e. synthesis and degradation of constituents 
of living tissues.


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