Concept of Sustainability in cropping systems and Farming system Scope and it's objective s

 Sustainable Cropping systems

Abstract: Crop production must increase substantially to meet the needs of a rapidly growing human population, but this is constrained by the availability of resources such as nutrients, water, and land. There is also an urgent need to reduce negative environmental impacts from crop production. Collectively, these issues represent one of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century. Sustainable cropping systems based on ecological principles, appropriate use of inputs, and soil improvement are the core for integrated approaches to solve this grand challenge. This special issue includes several review and original research articles on these topics for an array of cropping systems, which can advise implementation of best management practices and lead to advances in agronomics for sustainable intensification of crop production

Keywords: cropping systems; sustainable crop production; agroecology; nutrient use efficiency; water use efficiency; environmental quality.


1. Introduction 

The global human population reached 7.7 billion in 2019 and is predicted to be 8.5 billion in 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050 [1]. Increases in crop production will be needed to meet the requirements of the growing human population. Worldwide, total demand for all agricultural products is anticipated to increase by 1.1% per year until 2050, while that for cereals is expecded to grow by 0.9% per year until 2050, compared to the demand in 2005 to 2007

Special Issue Overview This special issue provides an international base for revealing the underlying mechanisms of sustainable cropping systems to drive agronomic innovations and guide the application of best management practices. It includes two review and 16 original research articles reporting novel scientific findings on the development of cropping systems for improved crop yields with greater resistance to abiotic and biotic stressors, enhanced resource use efficiency and profitability, reduced risk of negative environmental impacts, improved soil conditions

Farming System Design 

Adaptation of farming systems for improved sustainability requires an understanding of the multifaceted interactions that they are affected by [17], along with the effects of altered agronomic practices on system performance. The article by Merot and Beohouchette [18] proposes a method for applying ecologically-based hierarchical patch dynamics theory to farming systems analysis, which considers spatiotemporal heterogeneity and variation in crop management and fields. The authors applied this method in a case study of a French vineyard undergoing transition to organic production. The results showed that it was useful for hierarchical characterization of the farming system from the farm to field scale and for understanding interactions between farming practices and biological processes

Crop Rotation

 Crop rotation has long been recognized as a key component of sustainable cropping systems. The paper by Pagnani et al. [28] reports on the effects of crop rotation and tillage system (conventional tillage and no-tillage) on durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn.) over two growing seasons in a Mediterranean region. Compared to monocropped wheat, a two-year faba bean-wheat rotation increased wheat grain yield by 8%, across years and tillage systems. Crop rotation also promoted remobilization of N to grain, and crop rotation coupled with no-tillage improved multiple indices of grain quality when compared to monocropped wheat under.

3. Nitrogen Management

 Nitrogen is typically the most limiting nutrient for the production of cereal crops [30], but the recovery of applied N in harvested grain is only about 35% of the amount applied worldwide [31], rendering the excess N susceptible to loss, which can lead to environmental degradation [32,33]. To advance N use efficiency in maize production through improved synchrony between N supply and crop N requirements, the review by Asibi et al. [34] summarizes recent research and provides new understanding on N assimilation, utilization, and remobilization in maize

Organic Management 

Organic crop production uses non-genetically modified crops and relies on ecologically based practices such as diversified crop rotations including forage legumes, cover cropping, use of manure and other organic soil amendments, and mechanical weed control in place of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Crops produced using certified organic practices are eligible for price premiums, but there is a three-year transition period following the conversion from conventional to organic production in the USA when crops must be produced organically before organic certification is approved [52]. During this transition period, organically produced crops are not eligible for price premiums, thereby complicating decisions on whether to convert to organic production and what the optimal agronomic practices are during the transition period


Increasing global crop production to keep pace with rising demand on a limited supply of resources, while reducing its negative environmental effects, is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Sustainable cropping systems based on agroecology, rational use of inputs, and soil improvement are key to meeting this challenge. This special issue contains several articles that synthesize previous research and present original research on various aspects of these topics from a wide range cropping systems around the world. This information can guide on-farm adoption of best management practices and it serves as a base for the agronomic innovations needed for widescale sustainable intensification of crop production


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