Agroforestry Important Topics

 Silviculture :- silviculture is the science and art of growing and cultivating forest crops, based on a knowledge of silvics (the study of the life-history ).

The focus of silviculture is the control, establishment and management of forest stands.


Objective of silviculture !!

Control crop composition and production of species of more economic value.

Afforestation of blank and under stock area

Production of quality Timber

Facilitate management and use of forest

Creation of man made forest.

Silviculture relation with other branches of forestry.

It is the same relation with the forestry as Agronomy has with agriculture.

Agronomy and silviculture deals with the cultivation of crops agriculture Forestry and also with their protection, management, measures marketing, etc.

Agro forestry :- 

Agroforestry any sustainable land use system that maintains or increase total yield by combining food crops with tree crops and Livestock on the same unit of land.

Benefits of agroforestry

Environmental benefits

economic benefits

 social benefits

Environmental benefits 

Reduction of pressure on forest.

Combining trees with food crops on croplands farm yields

More efficient of nutrients by deep rooted trees.

Reduction of of nutrients leaching and soil erosion through effect of tree roots and stems on these process.

Improvement of soil structure.

Economic benefits 

Increment and maintenance of outputs of fodder fuel Woods fertilizers and Timber.

Reduction in total crop failure common to single cropping or mono cropping system.

Increase in label of of income due to sustained productivity.

Social benefits 

Improvement in rural living standards and form higher income

Improvement in nutrition and health due to increase quality and diverse of food output.

Limitation of agroforestry ;- 

Possible competition of trees with food crops or space sunlight moisture nutrients which may reduce food crop yields.

Damage of food crops during tree harvest operation.

Potential of trees to serve as host to insect pests that are harmful to food crops.

Criteria of selection of trees in agroforestry :- 

Select legume trees that have small or light crowns so that sufficient sunlight will reach the food crops for photosynthesis. 

Select three species that are deep rooted so that they will absorb moisture and nutrients from Deeper subsoil.

Space the trees father path to reduce competitive effect on the food crops.

Nature of component of agroforestry 

A. agrisilviculture system

B. Functional basis .

C. social economic basis 

D. ecological basis.

A. Agrisilviculture system :-  

 It is defined as growing of trees and agriculture crops together in same lands at the same time.

Agrisilvicultural systems are a combination of crops and trees, such as alley cropping or homegardens. ·

Types of agrisilviculture system 

Shifting Cultivation 


Multi-species trees garden

Alley cropping 

home gardens 



a. Improved fallow leaving the land either uncropped spaces in shifting Cultivation ;- 

Safety cultivation is the pattern of land use and system of production of crops under which plots of land are cleared cultivated for short period for raising one two or three crops after which the land Is allowed to rest longer.

B. Taungya system :- 

The taungya (taung = hill, ya = cultivation). 

It is practiced in the state of Kerala West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh and lesser extend in Tamilnadu.

In South India the system is called Kumari .

It is practiced in area with an acid in world and rainfall over 1200 to 1500 mm. 

This is a modified form of shifting cultivation in which the labour is permitted to raise crop in area but only side by side within the forest species by planted.

Advantages offered by taungya system are :- 

Artificial regeneration of the forest is obtained cheaply.

Helps towards maximum utilisation of the site.

Low cost method of forest plantation establishment. 

Provision of food crops from forest departments.

Disadvantages of Taungya system :- 

Loss of soil fertility and exposure of soil.

Legal problems created 

Susceptibility of land to accelerated erosion increases. 

It is a form of explotitation of human labour.

Alley Cropping (Hedgerow Intercropping):

Alley cropping, also known as hedgerow intercropping, involves managing rows of closely planted (within row) woody plants with annual crops planted in alleys in between hedges.

Shelterbelts :-

These are belts block consisting of several rows of trees established at right angles to the prevailing wind. 

The purposes are:- 

To deflect aur Current ,

To reduce the velocity of prevailing winds, 

To provide general protection to against the effect of wind erosion

Provide food fodder Timber ,etc.

GroveStudies Production:

Wind breaks :- 

Windbreaks are the strip of trees and serves planted to protect field homes canals or other areas from wind and blowing soil or sand.

The important reason for which plant brakes are planted include :- 

to protect livestock from cold winds.

Tu reduced prevent soil erosion

Tu provide habitat for wildlife

 to reduce operation from farm lands

Will brakes of three of ice rosa more effective foremost farm situation and are less affected by gaps caused by mission trees.

B.  Silvipasture system :- 

The production of Woody plants combined with pasture is referred to silvi pasture system. The trees and shrubs may be used primary to produce fodder for livestock or they may be grown for Timber ,fuel wood, fruit or to improve the soil.

Agri silvi pastoral system :- 

The production of Woody perennial combined with annuals and pastures is referred agri silver personal system.

I. Home Gardening 

This one is the oldest agroforestry practice found extensively in high rainfall areas in tropical south and South East Asia.
Home garden agroforestry is a special category of agroforestry that deals with the cultivation of multipurpose and multi-storied trees and crops combined with animal husbandry around a homestead 

3. Socio economic classification :- 

Based on socio economic criteria the production and label of technology input and management agroforestry system has been grouped into three categories  :- 
commercial agroforestry
 intermediate agroforestry 
subsistence agroforestry.


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