Biochemistry Important Points in Unit 2

Biochemistry Unit 2 Important Points 


  • Nucleic Acid 
  • B DNA 
  • types of RNA 
  • Structure DNA by Halzon Quick 
  • T RNA 
  • Glycolysis 
  • Kreb Cycle 
  • Oxidation and Biosynthesis of Fat Metabolism 
  • Balance sheet of Glycolysis , C4 , C3 and CAM 
  • Enzymes 

-- Nucleic Acids 

Nucleic acids are occurring chemical compound that serve as the primary information carrying molecules in cell and make up the genetic material.
Nucleic acid are found in abundance in a living things where they can create encode and the store information of every living cell of every life form on earth.

There are two types of Nucleic Acid :- 

DNA  (Deoxyribonuclic acid)
RNA ( Ribonucleic Acid)  

DNA :-  

DNA is a group of molecule that is responsible for carrying and transmitting the heredity materials on the genetic instruction from parent to offspring.

RNA : - 

RNA stands for ribonucleic Acid which is a long single stranded chain of the cell processes  protein.
An example of iron h is a chain of cell that carries genetic information of many viruses from the sale of the cytoplasm.

-- B DNA 

This is the most common DNA conformation and is a  right hand helix.

Maturity of DNA has B type of confirmation under normal psychological condition.

B form of DNA have following feature :- 

Two long polynucleotide strand coil around a central axis. 
Strands are wrapped in a right hand helix.
Strand interact by hydrogen bond between complementary base pair.
G form three hydrogen bond with C. 
A form two hydrogen bond with T.
Strands are antiparallel one strand is oriented in 5 --> 3 direction and other in the 3 --> 5 direction.

-- T - RNA 

Transfer RNA is a smallest form of RNA.
Transfer RNA consists of single strand of RNA folded to form a three dimensional structure. 

The function of transfer RNA is the IIT entrance for a specific active amino acids to grow a polypeptide chain at the ribosomal site of protein synthesis.

The t RNA present in cytosol of cell mitochondria and chloroplast.

Trn is a single stranded molecule it has 3' terminal site for amino acid attachment and 5' end. 
The covalent linkage between amino acid at the 3 in of trn is catalyzed by an aminoacyl T rna synthase.

-- Glycolysis 

Glycolysis is the process in which glucose is broken down to produce energy. 
It produces two molecules of pyruvate. 
The process take place in the cytoplasm of cell and does not require oxygen.
Occur in both aerobic and anaerobic organisms.

Glycolysis is the primary step of cellular respiration which occur in all organisms.
Glycolysis followed by the krebs cycle during aerobic respiration in absence of oxygen Cecil make small amount of ATP in glycolysis is followed by fermentation.

Key Points of glycolysis :- 

It is the process in which a glucose molecule is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate. 

The process take place in the cytoplasm of plant and animal cell.

6 enzymes are involved in the process.

The end product of the reaction include to pyruvate to ATP and 2 and molecules.

Kreb Cycle :- 

Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle) 
It is an anaerobic process that place take in in the mitochondria of the cell. 

It gives carbon dioxide after complete oxidation of pyruvic acid formed during glycolysis.

Key points ;- 

Krebs cycle is the second step of aerobic respiration in which pyruvate is oxidized completely into an inorganic substance forming carbon dioxide. 

Occur inside the mitochondria 
carbon dioxide is involved. 

1 ATP or GTP molecule is produced by substrate level phosphorylation in eastern of krebs cycles 

Doesn't consume ATP.
 occur as cyclic sequence.

Enzymes :- 

Enzymes can be defined as biological polymers that catalyse biochemical reactions.

Metabolic process and other chemical reaction in the cell are carried out by the set of enzymes that are necessary to sustain life.

General properties of enzymes

The term enjoying coined by Frederick W. kuhne in 1898.

Enzyme is initiate and accelerate the rate of biochemical reaction.

The activity of enzyme depend on the acidity of medium pH specific.

All the enzyme poses active site which participate in biochemical reactions.

Enzymes are protenious in nature colloidal and specific in their actions.


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