GroveStudies Irrigation Important Topics


What is irrigation ? 

Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the land or soil.

Irrigation is the agricultural process of applying control amount of water to the land to assist in the production crops as well as grow landscape plants.

Agriculture that does not use Irrigation but instead relying only on direct rainfall is referred to as rain fed.

Benefits of irrigations :- 

Increasing crop yield 

protection from famine 

cultivation of superior crops

 elimination of mixed cropping economic development 

Hydropower generation

 domestic and industrial water supply.

Method of irrigation :- 

1. Surface irrigation :- 

 - uncontrolled flood/ Flood Method 

- border strip method

- check Method 

- basin method 

- Forrow Method

2. Subsurface irrigation 

3. sprinkler irrigation

 4. trickle (drip) irrigation

🔑 Key Points ;- 

Seepage :-.

 Horizontal flow of water in channel is called seepage.


 vertical movement of water in soil ,downward movement of water in soil is called percolation

Infiltration :- 

Downward movement of water from the upper layer of the soil is called infiltration.


Download movement of nutrients and Salt from the root zone with the water is called leaching.

Methods of Irrigation :- 

Surface Irrigation ;- 

Surface irrigation is where water is applied and distributed over the soil surface by gravity.

Flooding Methods :- 

Flooding Irrigation is the type of surface irrigation in which the soil is kept submerged & is thoroughly flooded with water. It is one of the most ancient irrigation methods of irrigation that is still used today.

Border Strip Method :- 

Border irrigation is a type of surface irrigation where the field is divided into strips separated by border ridges running down the gradient of the field.

Furrow Methods :- 

Furrow irrigation is a type of surface irrigation in which trenches or “furrows” are dug between crop rows in a field.

Sub-Surface Irrigation :- 

Sub surface irrigation or simply sub irrigation is the practice of applying water to the soil directly on the surface. 

Moisture rich is the plant roots through capillary actions.

Advantages ;- 

- Minimum water requirement for raising crops.

- minimum evaporation and deep percolation losses.

- no wastage of land.

- no interference to movement of farm machinery. 

Disadvantages ;- 

- requires a special combination of natural conditions.

- there is danger of water logging.

- possibility of job king of pipes underground. 

- High Cost.

Sprinkler Methods :- 

Sprinkling is the method of applying water to the soil surface in the form of spray which is somewhat similar to rain. 

Rotating sprinkle - head systems are commonly used for similar to rain. 

Sprinklers have been used on all type of soils on the land of different topography and slopes and for many crops. 



- saving in fertilizers.

- suitable for any topography. 

- no soil Erosion.

- better seed germination free aeration of root zone.

- uniform application of water


- high skill in design installation and subsequent operations.

- not suitable for closely planted crops such as wheat and other cereal grains.



Drip irrigation is a most efficient water and nutrient delivery system for growing crops.

It delivers water and nutrients directly to the plant roots in the right amount at the right time so each plan get exactly what they need.

Drip irrigation helps in farmers can farmers to produce higher yields while saving of water.


Drainage is the artificial removal of water in excess of quantity required for the crops.

Drainage include removal of excess water of both surface and subsurface in the root zone of crops.


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