Protein and Hemoglobin Notes

 Unit - 2  

 Click Protein and Hemoglobin to see notes. in form of Pdf. 


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Proteins are very large molecules composed of basic units is called Amino acids. 
In addition, to containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen amino acids contains nitrogen. 
Proteins are highly complex molecules that are actively involved in the most basic and important aspects of life. 
These include metabolism, movement , defense, cellular communication, and molecular recognition. 


On the basis of composition proteins are classified as simple or conjugated. 
Simple proteins  sserum albumin , contains only amino acid. 
In contrast, conjugated proteins consists of a simple proteins combined with a non protein component. This non protein part is called Prosthetic group. 
Conjugated proteins without prosthetic group is called apoprotein.
Derived Proteins – these are proteins derived by partial complete hydrolysis from the simple or conjugated  proteins by the action of acids, alkalies or enzymes. 


These are simple proteins combined with some non protein substances known as prosthetic groups. 
The nature of the non – protein or prothetic groups is the basis for the sub classification of conjugated proteins. 
Nucleoprotein , Lipoprotein , phosphoprotein , Glycoprotein, Chromoprotein. 


Protein structure is a sequence of amino acids in a chain.
 The number of amino acids and the order in which they are covalently linked together by peptide bond. 


Protein structure is formed by folding and twisting of the amino acid chain. 


Protein structure is formed when the twist and folds of the secondary structure fold again to form a larger three dimensional structure. 
Which are maintained chiefly by following kinds of bonds. Salt linkage , hydrophobic bond, hydrogen bond. 


Protein structure is a protein consisting of more than one folded amino acid chain. 


Hemoglobin is a protein in a red blood cells that carries oxygen to your body organ and tissues and transport CO2 from your organs and tissue back to your lungs. 
Hemoglobin molecule is a oligomertic conjugated protein which consists of four separate polypeptide chains, exhibits quaternary porphyrin. 
HbA1  which contain @ and beta two chains, represent about 98 percent of all Hb found in adult RBCs. 
A @ chain contain 141 amino acids residues and Beta chain contain 146 amino acid residues. 
Thus , HbA1 is designated as @2B2. 

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