1.0 Most Important Topics In Agriculture Heritage


 Inherited values carried from one generation to other generation.


 Values and traditional practices adopted in ancient India which are more relevant for present day system. History denotes the continuous record of past events, where as heritage indicates the inherited values carried from one generation to other generation. Agricultural heritage denotes the values and traditional practices adopted in ancient India, which are more relevant for present day system.


The term agriculture is derived from the two Latin words: Ager - Soil Cultura- Cultivation Hence, Cultivation of soil is called agriculture.
Agriculture means production of crops for economic purposes by cultivation of land.

In relation to crop and livestock farming, the term agriculture may be define as ‘ the art and sciences of growing plants and other crops and raising of animals for food, other human needs or economic gain’.

Role of Indian Agriculture on Economy ;- 

Largest Employment Providing Sector: 69.5% of the working population was engaged in agriculture. 
Provides Food to the Growing Population: Provides healthy, nutritious food to the ever growing population. 
Contribution to Capital Formation: Agriculture can play a big role in pushing the Capital Formation in India.
 Providing Raw Material to Industries: Agriculture provides raw materials to various industries of national importance. Sugar industry, Jute industry, Cotton textile industry, Vanaspati industry are examples of some such industries which depend on agriculture for their development.
Market for Industrial Products: Since more than two-thirds of the population of India lives in rural areas, increased rural purchasing power is a valuable stimulus to industrial development.
 Importance in International Trade: Agriculture constitutes about 75% of the total exports of the country

Scope of Indian Agriculture Agriculture: -

 The term agriculture is derived from two Latin words ager or agri meaning soil and cultura meaning cultivation. 
Agriculture is a broad term including all aspects of crop production, livestock farming, fisheries, forestry etc. 
 Agriculture is a branch of applied science. 
It is the art of farming including the work of cultivating the soil for producing crops and raising livestock. 
There are three main spheres of agriculture as under; Geoponic:- meaning cultivation in earth, Hydroponic:- meaning cultivation in water and Aeroponic:- meaning cultivation in air.

Indus valley civilization (4500-1500 BCE):- 

 Archaeological evidence of an animal drawn plough dates back to 2500 BCE.
Under Indus valley civilization irrigation channels achieved a new level of sophistication like the artificial reservoirs at Girnar dated to 3000 BC and early irrigation channel circa 2600 BC. Trade routes started developing around the world that gave immense boost to the cultivation of various indigenous crops of India.

Early Common Era – High Middle Ages (200–1200 CE) 

Systematic ploughing, manuring, weeding, irrigation and crop protection was practiced for sustained agriculture. 
Water storage systems were designed during this period. Kallanai (1st-2nd century CE), a dam built on river Kaveri during this period, is considered to be one of the oldest water-regulation structures in the world still in use. 
Spice trade involving spices native to India—including cinnamon and black pepper—gained momentum as India started shipping spices to the Mediterranean. 
 Crystallized sugar was discovered by the time of the Guptas (320-550 CE),and the earliest reference of candied sugar come from India.

Chronology of modern Agriculture :- 

1881: Separated Department of Agriculture. 
 1901: First Irrigation Commission 
 1905: Imperial Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) started a Pusa (Bihar) 
1926: Royal Commission on Agriculture, chairman: Lord Linlithgow 
 1929: Imperial Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), 16, July at New Delhi.
 1936: IARI shifted to New Delhi after a devastating earthquake in Pusa, Bihar in

Agriculture institutes ;- 

ICAR-Central Institute of Research on Cotton Technology, Mumbai
ICAR-Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur
ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
ICAR-Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan
ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi


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