Most Important Topics In Horticulture ✅🆕

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Horticulture is the art of cultivating plants in gardens to produce food and medicinal ingredients, or for comfort and ornamental purposes. 

HORTICULTURE are agriculturists who grow flowers, fruits and nuts, vegetables and herbs, as well as ornamental trees and lawns.

Scope of Horticulture:- 

Horticulture crops produce a higher yield per hectare than field crops.Horticulture crops are extremely valuable because of their high nutritional value. Fruits and vegetables, in particular, provide us with a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Horticulture is very important because it improves the beauty of the environment.

Crop varieties with a wide variety of applications are available in the Horticulture section.

Horticultural crops benefit the environment by minimizing waste, conserving soil and water,

Different branches of horticulture are :- 

Pomology: It is the scientific study of fruit crops.

Olericulture: It deals with the study of vegetable cultivation. The term Olericulture is derived from a Latin word that means vegetable cultivation.

Floriculture: Floriculture is the study of flower cultivation.

Arboriculture:- Individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants are studied, cultivated, and managed in arboriculture. 

Oenology :- Oenology is a branch of the science of horticulture where we study wine and winemaking.       

Postharvest Physiology :- Post-harvest physiology is the scientific study of the physiology of living plant tissues after harvest in order to preserve plant quality and avoid spoilage.


  1. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research(IIHR), Bangalore 

 2. Indian Institute of Vegetable Research(IIVR), Varanashi 

 3. Indian Institute of Spices Research(IISR), Calicut, Kerala 

 4. Central Institute of sub-tropical Horticulture(CISH), Lucknow 

 5. Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture(CITH), Srinagar 

 6. Central Potato Research Institute(CPRI), Kufri, Shimla

  7. Central Tuber Crops Research

Institute(CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 

 8. Central Plantation Crops Research Institute(CPCRI) Kasargod, Kerala 

 9. Central Institute of Arid Horticulture(CIAH), Bikaner, Rajasthan 

 10. Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology(CIPHET), Ferozepur, Punjab 

 11. ICAR Research Complex for Goa, Ela, Old Goa 

 12. ICAR Research Complex for North Eastern Hill Region. Barapani, Meghalaya 

 13. National Research Centre for Banana. Trichirapalli, Tamil Nadu

GroveStudies Production:


 (asexual seed formation) is the result of a plant gaining the ability to bypass the most fundamental aspects of sexual reproduction: meiosis and fertilization. Without the need for male fertilization, the resulting seed germinates a plant that develops as a maternal clone.


 is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. The goal of every living organism, including plants, is to create offspring for the next generation

Home Gardening :- 

The home garden can be defined as a farming system that combines different physical, social and economic functions on the area of land around the family home. It is used as a place of work and for the storage of farm produce. The home garden is also a place where people live and meet each other and where children play.


Kitchen garden is the growing of fruits and vegetables at the backyard of house by using kitchen waste water. Advantages of Kitchen garden : Supply fresh fruits and vegetables high in nutritive value. Supply fruits and vegetables free from toxic chemicals.

Importance and Disadvantages of Kichen Gardening :- 

1. Gardening for your Kitchen is a Productive Hobby.

2. It is Very Eco-friendly.

3. A Good Source of Freshly Produced Healthy Vegetables.

4. Ensures Proper Use of Domestic Waste.

Disadvantages :- 

1. the drawbacks of a kitchen garden is the presence of unwanted insects and worms. 

2. Kitchen Gardening requires money

3. Kitchen Gardening Consumes a Lot of Time.

PGR :- Plant Growth Regulators 

Plant growth regulators and (phytohormones) are chemical substance that influence the growth and differentiation of plant cell, tissue and organs.

Plant growth regulator functions as chemical messengers for intercellular communication.

Phytohormones:- are chemical messengers that coordinate cellular activities.





Abscisic acid


Classification of PGR :- 

Growth Promoters :- 

Auxin , Gibberellin , Cytokinins 

Growth Inhibitors :- 

Abscisic Acid, Ethylene

GroveStudies Production

Auxin :-  

Influence plant growth found in leaves and stems. 

Sale enlargement of elongation located in meristem and shoot tips terminal and lateral buds. 

Oxygen move mainly from Apex top-down.

Gibberellin :- 

Gibberellic acid are produced in shoot Apex primary in the leaf primordial (leaf bud) and root system.

Stimulate stamp growth dramatically. 

Stimulates cell division and cell elongation and control enzyme secretion. Involved in overcoming dormancy in seed and buds. 

Used Commercially in :- 

Increase fruits sizes and seed grapes.

 stimulate seed germination and seedling growth.


Promotes cell division

Root supply cytokinin upward to the shoots. 

Tissue culture use cytokinins to introduce shoot development.

Cytokinins mein slow or prevent leaves senescence (Leaf ageing or leaf fall).


Gaseous hormone produced in the actively growing marriage time of the plant in senescing ripening aur ageing fruit in sensesing (ageing or dying) flowers, in germinating seed in certain plant tissue as response to the bending, wounding or bruising.

May premote leave sensesing and abscission (leaf fall).

May premote leave sensesing and abscission (leaf fall).

Abscisic acid (ABA) ;- 

Abscisic Acid (ABA) is an important phytohormone regulating plant growth, development, and stress responses.

Abscisic acid controls downstream responses to abiotic and biotic environmental changes through both transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms.

Involved with leaves and fruit association fall on set of dormancy in seeds and onset of dormancy rest period in perennial flower or shrubs.

AVA is effective in inducing closer of stomata in leaves, indicating a role in stress physiology in plant.

Manures :- 

Manures are the plant and animals wastage that are used as source of plant nutrients. 

Manures can be grouped into bulky organic and concentrated organic manure. 

1. Bulky organic Manures

2. Concentrated Organic Manures

Concentrated Organic Manures :- 

These are known as organic nitrogen fertilizers before their organic nitrogen is used by the crop is converted through bacteria action rapidly usable ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen.

Oilkakes ( edible of non edible ) , Fishmeal and bone meals.

Fertilizers ;- 

Fertilizer for industrial manufacture chemical containing plant nutrients. 

Nutrient content is higher in fertilizer than organic manure sand nutrients are release almost immediately.

The fertilizers have three groups:-  

Straight fertilizers 

Mixed fertilizer

Complex fertilizer.

Role of fertilizers and Manures :- 

Organic manure binds the sandy soil and improve its water holding capacity.

Organic manure shop in the soil particles and help in soil aeration for better root growth.

Organic Manures add plant nutrients in small percentage and also micronutrients which are essential for plant growth.

Manures increase the microbial activity in soil.

Fertilizers play an important role in crops production as they supply large quantity of essential nutrients to crop.

 Fertilizers are manufactured in form of that are readily utilised the plant directly. 

Fertilizers applied as the straight fertilizers or complex and mixed fertilizers based on crop requirements.


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