Most Important Topics In Rural Sociology

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the system of social differentiation create social position which are gradually accounting to rank, this hierarchy of rank formulise status. As in the case social stratification, this tendency is characteristics of all societies, it is called society stratification. 

'Social stratification is the division of society in permanent groups of categories linkedwith each other by relationship of superiority and subordination' 

2. 'Social stratification is a horizontal division of society in to higher and lower social unit' 

Types of Social stratification 

1. Estate 2. Caste 3. Class 

1. Estate: Based on family's relation to land-Zamindar and Servent or we can say DAS 

2. Caste: Brahman-Khatriya-Vaishya-Sudra. In this systemstatus is described at birth. 

3. Class: A class is any portion of community marked off from the rest by social status the social level is defined in terms of wealth.


4 A. 

Factors of Social change Social change is a historical process based on various factors of environment and human ingenuity to create conditions for better survival. Major factors of social change are the following: 1. The Physical Environment:-

2. Cultural method 

Biological factor 

Pshycological Factor 


technological Factor


Classification of Family 

The families can be classified according to various criteria: 

a) On the Basis of Lineage/Ancestry: 

1) Patrilineal Family: When properly inheritance and reckoning descent along the male line (father). 

2) Matrilineal Family: When it is along the female (mother) line. 

b) On the Basis of Headship: 

1) Patriarchal Family: In this case father is head of the family. 

2) Matriarchal Family: In this case mother is head of the family. 

c) On the Basis of Transfer of Bride Groom/ residence: 

1) Patrilocal Family: There are the families where wife transfer to the husbands house after marriage.

 2) Matrilocal Family: Where husband transfer to the wife’s house after marriage. Matrilineal families are matrilocal families.

 3) Neolocal:- d) On the Basis of marriage: 

1) Monogamous Family: In this case the husband marries only one wife.

 2) Polygamous Family: In this case the husband can marry more than one wife. 3) Polyandrous Family: In this case the wife can marry more than one husband.

Classification of Family 

The families can be classified according to various criteria: 

a) On the Basis of Lineage/Ancestry: 

1) Patrilineal Family: When properly inheritance and reckoning descent along the male line (father). 

2) Matrilineal Family: When it is along the female (mother) line. 

b) On the Basis of Headship: 

1) Patriarchal Family: In this case father is head of the family. 

2) Matriarchal Family: In this case mother is head of the family. 

c) On the Basis of Transfer of Bride Groom/ residence: 

1) Patrilocal Family: There are the families where wife transfer to the husbands house after marriage.

 2) Matrilocal Family: Where husband transfer to the wife’s house after marriage. Matrilineal families are matrilocal families.

 3) Neolocal:- d) On the Basis of marriage: 

1) Monogamous Family: In this case the husband marries only one wife.

 2) Polygamous Family: In this case the husband can marry more than one wife. 3) Polyandrous Family: In this case the wife can marry more than one husband.

Joint Family System The joint family is prevalent in India since the times immemorial. This institution was introduced in India and some other countries by Aryans. It consists of a group of people of common descent, living together under one roof, who worship a common deity, hold common 


Characteristics of Joint Family 

1. The head of family is its absolute rural. 

2. The family owns a common property and the head of family is the trustee of the property. 

3. The landed property is prevented from fragmentation.

7. In a joint family every member has to do limited work. Everybody gets more time for recreation and leisure. 

8. The family has clear-cut division of labor. The members do their work efficiently. 

9. In rural India joint family is still considered a matter of pride.

Disadvantages of Joint Family System 

1. The joint family under the strict control of head of family. Orthodox 

2. Member of family lack initiative because fruits of their initiative will ultimately be shared by other members who may be lazy and idle. 

3. Due to lack of initiative in its members, the economic condition of the joint family goes on deteriorating. 

4. there is always conflict between males and females and young and old. 

5. As a large family has to live in limited space, there is no privacy.


Culture is the continually changing pattern of learned behaviour (including attitude, values, knowledge and material objects), which are shared by and transmitted among the members of society. 

Characteristics of culture:- 

1. Only human beings posses the culture, other animals do not posses it. Man has created the culture during the process of controlling himself, others and nature. 

2. Culture is learned: - Learned through the process of socialization, communication training etc. It is not innate 

3. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation: - Learned from parents and transmitted to children. 

4. Culture is universal as well as unique: - Culture is found in all societies, but each society has its own specific cultural pattern.

Importance of Culture:-

  Culture transforms human animal to man.:- Respects for elders, cooperation and help, mercy to poor etc are behavioral patterns which are the components of culture.

  Culture regulates the behavior of people. 

 Concepts like family, state, nation, class are the products of culture and helps coordination and division of labour.

  Culture gives individuals or groups the feeling of unity with the group. 

 A culture change is the basic to extension, as through extension efforts we seek to introduce changes in the behavior of the people.


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