Soil science Paper Solutions 2.0

 GroveStudies Production:

Q1. A . 

Nutrients are the compound in which food essential to life and health providing us energy the building block for repairing and growth regulate chemical process.

There are six major nutrients :- 

carbohydrates ,lipids ,proteins ,vitamins ,minerals ,water.

Q1. B. 

Macro pores are large sized or refer to the macro force which allow the air and water move radially.

Sand and Sandy soil and have large number of micro pores found Between granuals.

Micro pores are small size or refer to micro which do not allow air water move radially.

Micro pores are clay and silt soil have large number of micro pores.

Q1. C. 

A soil in which the surface layer is neither acid or alkaline in reaction typically with a pH value around seven.

Q1. D. 

Soil pH or soil reaction is an indication of acidity or alkalinity of soil and it measure in PH unit

Q1. E. 

 Any unfavourable condition or substance that affect or block a plant metabolism growth or development is regarded as a stress.

GroveStudies Production:

Section B

Q2. A. 

Approaches of soil :- 

Pedological approaches :- 

The origin of soil its classification and its description or examined in pedology. 

Pathology is the study of soil greek word means soil or Earth.

Edaphological approaches means soil or ground:- 

The study of soil from the standpoint of higher plants.

It consider the various properties of soil in relation to plant production .

the productivity of soil and find means for improvement.

Q3. B. 

Land :- 

Land is two-dimensional nature of body and 

surface part of earth not covered by water 

land include all elements of physical and biological environment in 

the present geographical and landscape area.

Q2. C. 

Poor soil contains no nutrients it is low fertility soil if we grow plants in poor soil then the yield will be very low as is lack of nutrients it contains high salts it is not rich in organic matter.

Q2. D. 

Crop production is the process of growing crops for domestic and commercial purchased some of the crop produced on a large scale include rice wheat maize jute etc. 

Productivity of crops is measured as the ratio of agricultural output to input while individual products are usually measured by weight is known as crop yield.

Q2. E. 

The importance of soil pores depend on soil are :- 

Soil pura city is important for many reasons a primary reason is the soil pores contain the groundwater that many of us drinks.

Another important aspect of race war parasitic concerned the oxygen found within the spores or plant need oxygen for respiration so well aerated soil important for growing crops.

Q2. F. 

Mulching is the covering of soil .

Potential advantage of mulching in agriculture age minimising soil competition and erosion regulation of soil temperature soil for the day improvement Plant growth development and in decline of weeds.


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