03 COC Classification of Computer by Grovestudies ✅


Grovestudies ✅

Based on Size :- 

Micro Computer :- 

These are the least powerful at the most widely used and fastest growing type of computer and also called portable computers.

Some types of microcomputer are :- 

Desktop computer or personal computer PC
tablet computer 
handheld computer or palm tops

Mini computer 

These computer are the smallest in size and faster than mainframe computer initially the mini computer wall design to carry out some specific task like engineering and computer design calculation they are used as Central computer which is called Server.

Main frame Computer

These are the computers having large internal storage and comprehensive range of software these computers are bigger in size comparatively to mini computer but smaller than supercomputers. 
Mainframe computers are IBM 370 IBM - 390 univac 1110

Super computers 

These are the fastest and the most expensive machines. The speed of supercomputers are measured in FLOPS (floating point operations per second).
Supercomputer are used for highly calculation intensive task and such as weather forecasting nuclear research military agencies and scientific research laboratory PARAM was the first supercomputer of India introduced by CDAC in 1991.

Based on work

On the basis of work computer are categorised are as follows 

Analog computer

 and analogue computer that uses the changeable aspect such as electric mechanical quantities to solve the problem this computer carry out arithmetic and logical operation by manipulating and processing of data. example speedometers, seismograph, etc. 

Digital computer 

this computer work by calculating the binary digit a digital computer not only perform mathematical problems but also combine the bytes to produce desired graphic sound example desktop PC.

Hybrid computers 

This computers are the combination of analogue and digital computer machine used in hospitals like ECG and dialysis are commonly used hybrid computers these computers contains special equipments to convert analog voltage to digital voltage.


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