
Showing posts from November, 2021

"Chemistry" Significant figures

  Significant Figures /- The calculated values is indicated by mentioning the number of significant figures are meaningful digits which are known with certainty plus one which is estimated or uncertain.

"Chemistry" Chapter 01 Some basic concept of of chemistry

  Join Our Telegram Group :-. GroveStudies ©™     Some concept of Chemistry    The branch that studies the preparation, properties, structure & reactions of material substance is called chemistry. Chemistry is also called the science of atoms & molecules.  Nature of Matters :-  Matters can exist in three physical states “solid”, “liquid” and gases.  Particles are held very close to each other in solids.  In Liquids, the particles are close to each other but they can move around.  In gases, the particles are for apart as compared to those present in solid or liquid states & their movement is easy & fast. Different states of matter exhibit the following characteristics /- i. Solids have definite volume & definite shape. ii. Liquids have definite volume but do not have definite shape. iii. Gases have neither definite volume nor definite shape. Three states of matters are interconvetible by changing the conditions of temperature & pressure.  Classification

Chapter 04 Kingdom Animalia

Join Our Telegram Group:- GroveStudies ©™                  Kingdom Animalia Classification also helps in Assigning a systematic position. Basis of Classification :- Arrangement of cells , body symmetry , nature of coelom, pattern of digestive , circulatory or reproductive systems. Levels of Organisation :- Through all members of Animalia are multicellular all of them do not exhibit the same pattern of organization of cells. For example , in sponges,. They exhibit cellular levels of organization. In coelenterates , the arrangements of cells is more complex. The cells performing the same functions are arranged into tissues, hence is called tissue level . Organ level is exhibit by members of Platyhelmanthes. Annelids , Arthropods, Molluscs, Echinoderms and Chordates.  The digestive system in Platyhalmanthes has only a single opening to the outside of the body that serves as both mouth and anus, and hence is called incomplete. A complete digestive systems has two openings, mouth a

Know all About "Reproduction in Organisms"

  Join our Telegram Group:- GroveStudies                  Chapter -1   Reproduction in Organisms /- Birth <--  Life span --  Natural death of an organisms . No individual is immortal except single called organisms.  Life span of important organisms /-    Butterfly -- 1 to 2 weeks Fruit fly -- 30 days Banana tree -- 30 years Banyan tree --  300 years Crocodile -- 60 years Organisms habitat, its internal physiology. Responsible for how it reduces. Reproduction --  Sexual / 2 parents, gametes formation - gametes fusion. Asexual / 1 parents, with / without gametes formation. Asexual reproduction /-  Common among unicellular organisms and in plants and animal with simple organisms. Offsprings are known as clones (morphology and genetically similar). Binary fission :-  Amoeba, Paramecium. Budding :-    Yeast. In fungi and similar plants a sexual reproduction structure at present. Zoospores :-                          Most common , Motile. Eg, Chlamydomonas. Conidia :-. Penicillium Buds

Know all Angiosperms

  Join our Telegram Group ;- GroveStudies                 Angiosperms  The seeds are unclosed in fruits.  Smallest Wolffia to tall or Eucalyptus ( over 100 meters).  The dicotyledons are characterised by seeds having two cotyledons, reticulate venations in leaves, and tetramerous or pintamerous flowers, i.e, having four or five members in each floral whorls.  The monocotyledons on the other hand are characterised is single cotyledons seeds, parallel venation in leaves, & trimerous flowers having three members in each floral whorls.  Each ovule has a megaspores mother cell that undergoes meiosis to form four haploid megaspores. Three of then degenerate and one divide to from the embryo sac. Each embryo – sac has a three – called egg apparatus – one egg cell & two synergids, three antipodal cells and two polar nuclei.  one of the male gamete fuses with the egg cell (syngamy) to from a zygote.  Produces the triploid primary endosperm nucleus (PEN). Because of th

Know All About Gymnosperms And Angiosperms

                   Gymnosperms :-   The gymnosperms (gymno ; Naked , Sperma ; seeds ) are plants in which the ovules are not enclosed by any ovary walls & remain exposed.  • The giant redwood free sequoia is one of the tallest trace species.  • Mycorrhiza (Pinus).  • (Cycas) small specialised roots called coralloid roots.  • Stems are unbranched ( cycas ) or branched ( pInus, Cedrus).  The leaves may be simple or compound. In cycas the pinnate leaves persist for a few years .  • The leaves in gymnosperms are well- adopted to withstand extrems of tempreture, humidity and wind. In conifers , the needle – like leaves reduce the surface area. Their thick cuticle & sunken stomata also helps to reduces water loss.  • The gymnosperms are heterosperes , they produce haploid microsproes and megaspores.  • The males or female cones or strobli may be borone on the same tree ( Pinus). However, in cycas male cones and megasporophylls are borone on different trees.  • The megaspore

Know All About Pteridophytes

                     Pteridophytes :-  The pteridophytes include horsetails and ferns.  • The first terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissue – xylem and phloem.  • In bryophytes the dominant phase in the life cycle is the gamethophytic plant body. However. In pteridophytes , the main plant body is a sporophytes.  • in forns.  • Distinct compact structures called strobli or cones (Selaginella, Equisetum).  • Inconspious , small bet multicellular. • Free – living mostly photosynthetic thalloid gametophytes called prothallus.  • Need for water for fertillisation.  • Fussion of male gamete with an egg present in archegonium result in the formation of zygotes.  • Selaginella and Salvinia which produce two kinds of spores, macro (large) and micro (small) spores, are known and Heterospores . The Female gametophytes in these plants are retained on the parents sporophytes for variable periods. The developments of the zygote into young embryo take place within in the female gameto

Know all About Bryophytes

                          Bryophytes  • Bryophytes include the various mosses and liverworts that are found commonly growing in the most shaded area in hills.  It is also called Amphibians of the plant kingdom.   Water for sexual reproduction.   It plays important role in plant succession on bare rocks / soils.   Root – like, leaf – like or stem – like structure.   \the male sex organ is called antheridium. They produce biflagellated antherzoids. The female sex organ archegonium is flask – shaped produces a single eggs.   Zygote do not undergo reduction division immediately.   Species of Sphagnum, a moss , provide peat.   Mosses along with lichens one the first organisms to colonise rocks.   Great ecological importance.   Reduce the impact of falling rain and prevent soil erosion.   The Bryophytes are divided into liverworts and mosses.  Liverworts :-  • The plant body of a liverworts is thalloid. Eg, Marchantia.  • Gemmae are green , multicellular , asexual bud

Chlorophycae / Phyaecophyeae / Rhodophycae

                          CHLOROPHYCEAE The members of chlorophyceae are commonly called green algae. ✓ discoid , plate like, reticulate Cup shaped in different species. ✓ storage body is called pyrenoids located in the chloroplast. Pyranoids contain protein besides starch. ✓ inner layer of cellulose and outer layer of pectose.                     PHYAECOPHYEAE   The members of phyaecophyeae are Blue Algae are found primarily in Marine habitats. • chlorophyll A • Xanthophyll pigment , Fucoxanthin. • form an Laminarin or Mannitol.  • Gelatinous coating of Algin.  • Hold fast and haas a Stalk the stipe and leaf like photosynthesic organ fronds. • Asexual reproduction in Most brown algae is by bioflagellated zoospores.  • Porioform ( Pear - Shaped )  • Ectocarpus , Dictyota , Laminaria, Saragassum & Fuccus.                         RHODOPHYCAE    • The members of rhodophycae are commonly called red Algae.  • because of predominace of the red pigment, r – phycoerythrin in the body.