Fundamentals of Horticulture Test Paper Solutions

 Q1. The term horticulture is derived from ________ words. 

A. Latin , hortus means Garden and colere, "to cultivate. 

Q2. Plants having a lifespan of 1 year 1 season are called ________.

A. Seasonal crops. 

Q3. Branch of horticulture which deals with the cultivation of fruit crop is called as _______. 

A. Pomology. 

Q4. The plant that is planted in the centre of square of quincunx system of planting is called as _____. 


Q5. Sweet potato belongs to family ______. 

A. Morning glories. 

Q6. Define horticulture. 

A.  The study of practice of growing flowers fruit and vegetables. 
It is a science and art of producing edible fruits vegetables flowers herbs and ornamental plants improving and commercializing them. 
Audi culture impacts our lives on the daily basis by providing nutrients fruit and vegetables. 

Q7. Division of horticulture with sustainable example and their importance. 

A. The Horticulture  industry is a combination of scientific technological and production activities that ensure the satisfaction of the consumers.

the horticulture industry can be divided into three areas
olericulture and 
ornamental horticulture. 

Horticulture crop performer vital role in the Indian economy by generating employment. 

Q8. Classify the Horticulture crop based on the soil and climate requirement. 

A. Climate based and soil based Horticulture crops requirements is:- 
Climate best classification tropical crop coconut sugarcane. 
Subtropical crop rice cotton
Temperature crop weed barley 
Crops requirement based on soil is the necessary to access the water requirement of the crop intended to be grown. 

Q9. Discuss major business opportunities in horticulture. 

In the field of horticulture many job opportunities are available : 
  1.  Project manager 
  2. Gardener 
  3. foreman
  4.  Horticulture education supervisor
  5.  assistant manager human resource 
  6. professor 
  7. scientist

Q10. Write down at the list 10 research organisations in horticulture.

  1. ICAR Central inland fisheries research institute 
  2. ICAR Central institute of research on buffalo. 
  3. ICAR Central institute for research on goats 
  4. ICAR Central institute of research on cotton technology , Mumbai
  5. ICAR Central plantation crop research institute 
  6. ICAR Central institute for jute 
  7. ICAR Central institute for dryland agriculture 
  8. ICAR Indian institute of agricultural biotechnology 
  9.  ICAR Indian institute of pulse research 
  10. ICAR Indian institute of soil science research

Q11. Write down features of horticulture in general. 

A.  Features of horticulture in general are :- 
  •  Horticultural crop needs intensive cultivation require large input of  capital, labour and technology per unit area. 
  • Cultural operation like propagation training and harvesting are scaled and specific to horticultural crop.
  • Horticultural producers are rich source of vitamin and minerals.
  • Aesthetic satisfaction is an exclusive phenomenon to horticultural science. 

Q12. Write importance of horticulture in terms of economic production employment generation environmental protection and human resource development. 

A. Horticulture in important to the following is  :-  
  • As an economic they give higher returns per unit area in terms of energy money job etc. 
  • Employment generation fruit crops required 860 man per day / annum against one 143mans  per annum for cereal crops.
  • Effective utilisation of waste land through cultivation of Hardy fruits and medicinal plants. 
  • As a foreign exchange earner has highest share compared to agricultural crops.

Q13. Write down scope for horticulture in India also discuss the nutritive value of horticulture. 

A. Scope of horticulture depends on incentive it has for the farmers adaptability of the crops and facilities for future growth through input availability and distribution of produce marketing etc. .
  • To meet the requirement of processing industry .
  • To substitute import and increase export . 
  • To improve the economic condition of the farmer and engage more labourer to avert  the problem of unemployment.
  • To protect environment.

Q14 What is a crop nursery ? Give four reasons for raising seedlings first in a nursery name any four fruit plants which are raised first in the nursery throughout the seeds. 

A.  Crop nursery is a raising of plant from seed in a specific definite area before final establishment in the field .
To reduce mortality
 to reduce transplantation shock 
for better care 
Fruit plants:-  papaya jamun Apple mango,etc.

Q15. What do you mean by propagation write in brief on various plant propagation methods followed in Horticulture crops with suitable example . 

A. Plant propagation is the process by which the new plants grow from a variety of source seed cuttings and other plant partS.
Plant propagation can also refer to the man-made or natural dispersal of seeds. 

Methods of propagation:- 

  1. Sexual method of propagation 
  2. asexual method of propagation
  3.  vegetative method of propagation 

Q16.  What do you understand by propagation through specialised vegetative structure? Explain with example.

A. Vegetative propagation is an asexual method of plant reproduction that occurs in leaves, roots and stem. 
Propagation through specialised vegetative structures are certain plant modification which are used for vegetative propagation of plants. 
  1. Separation
  2.  division
  3.  bulbs 
  4. Tuber 
  5. rhizome
  6.  suckers 

Q17. Different steps in planning and layout establishment and management of Orchards.

A.  Planning of an Orchard is necessary for the most efficient and economic management the following points should be :- 
  1. Optimum spacing to accumulate maximum number of trees per unit area
  2.  stores and office building in Orchard should be constructed at the centre of the proper supervision
  3.  fruits attracting birds and animals should be close to the watch men's shed.
The management of orchards are :- 
  1.  the selection of proper location  and 
  2. site planting system and 
  3. planting distance 

Q18. Explain different systems of planting aur charge square, rectangle and quincunx, hexagonal and contour system of planting. 

A.  Square method :- 
  • It is the most commonly used method and easy to lay out in the field
  • Hindi road row and plant to plant distance is kept Similar.
  • Plants are exactly at right angle to each other.
  • Intercultural operation can be done in both direction. 
Rectangular Method :- 
  • Hindi system the plot is divided into rectangles instead of square and trees are planted at four corners of the rectangle in straight droh running at right angle. 
  • More space between row to row.
  • Live score system this system also facilitates the intercultural into direction. 
Hexagonal system:- 
  • In hexagonal system the trees are planted in the corners of equilateral triangles trees from the hexagon with another trees at its centre.
  • Plants are planted at the corner of equilateral triangles.
  • This requires  fertile land.
Quincunx System :- 
  • This system is exactly like the square system but one additional 3 is planted in the centre of each square.
Contour system:- 
  • The system usually followed the the hilly areas with high slopes but it is very much similar to square rectangular system. 
Triangular System :- 
  • This system provide more open space for trees and for intercrop.

Q19. Difference between fruits and vegetables with example.?

A.  Fruits :- 
  •  Fruits plants are perennial in nature.
  • Fruit plant are sexually and asexually propagated.
  • Fruit plants require special practices like training and required seasonally.
  • Only fruit is edible but sometimes false fruit is also edible example fleshy thalamus of Apple
  • Mostly consumed raw after ripening. 
Vegetables :- 
  • Most of the vegetables are animals.
  • Mostly majority of them are sexually propagated.
  • Cultivation of vegetable is seasonal and special technique like training are generally not required.
  • Vegetable plants are generally non Woody.
  • All parts of the plants are edible
  • Generally consumed after cooking.

Q20. Broadly classified the nursery into two on the basis of its site and also discuss factor affecting the establishment of nursery. 

A. Nursery can be broadly group into two on the basis of its site ;- 
  1. Home nursery :- it is the area where the planting materials specifically grow or raised only the scatter the needs of the Growers garden.
  2. Commercial nursery :- nurseries are the larger in size and collection of plants. 
Factor affecting the establishment of nursery is :- 
  1. Location and site :- reputation of locality for business and transport facility. 
  2. Selection of soil 
  3. water facility 
  4. manures
  5. availability of labours


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