Rural Sociology And Educational Psychology Test Paper Solutions

 Q1. Define Sociology? 

A. Sociology is a social science that focus on society human social behaviour, pattern of social relationships, social interaction and aspect of cultural with everyday life.

Q2. What is the character of rural? 

A. Some of the ruler characteristics are:- 
  • Contact with nature: . Mainly owing to occupational requirements.
  • Agriculture is the fundamental occupation supported by animal husbandry in rural.
  • Size of community:  usually small scale agriculture demand a higher land to man ratio than industry.
  • Social mobility 
  • social interaction 
  • social control 
  • leadership pattern
  •  standard of living

Q3. Define agriculture extension.

A.  Agricultural extension is the application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education.

Q4. What do you mean by society? 

A. Society is defined as a group of people in a more or less permanent association who are organised for their collective activities and who feel that they belong together. 


A society is a group of individual involved in social interaction or a large group of sharing the same social territory.

Q5. What do you mean by social ecology? 

A.  The study of relationship between people and their environment often independence of people due to collectiveness institute and organisation are are known as social ecology. 

Q6. Write the significance of study of rural sociology.

A. Importance of study of rural sociology is: 
  • The importance of rural sociology can be evaluated properly when it realises the importance of rural society presents a scientific picture of rural life.
  • Villages are important because they are spring to feed urban . 

Q7. How rural sociology is important in India? 

A. The importance of rural sociology in India is:-
  • Rural sociology provide the technology and systematic knowledge and reform in farm production. 
  • Rural sociology gives us complete knowledge of village life.
  • In India ruler formations is primary aim of rural sociology.

Q8. What is the scope of rural sociology in agriculture extension?

A. The scope of rural sociology in agricultural extension Agriculture is:- 
  • A study of rural community 
  • study of rural social structure
  •  study of rural social organisations
  •  study of rural social changes I
  •  study of ruler social reconstruction 
  • a study of rural social planning 
  • study of rural social control.

Q9. Write the interrelationship of rural Sociology and agricultural extension. 

A.  Interrelationship between rural sociology and agricultural extension is:- 
  •  Agriculture extension is the application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education. 
  • Agricultural extension is the process of teaching ruler people how to live better by learning way and improve their farm ,home, community.
  • Extension education is processed to provide knowledge to the rural people about improve their practices in convincing manner to take decision with their specific local conditions.
  • It proposes to change the attitude and the practice of the people with whom the work is done.

Q10. Write the need of rural sociology in India.?

A. Indian rural society need for the study of the rural society is:- 
  •  The study of rural society is essential for carrying out a program of ruler extension.
  • It is important to know some of the characteristics of rural society as people have distinguish features.
  • Rural people are studying in terms of their personal and group relation as a member of group organisations and institutions.

Q11. Discuss about social ecology and with suitable Neck sketch of social ecological model.? 

A. Word ecology is first used by German scientist of father of ecology by Ernst haeckel in 1866.
  • the ecology as the scientific study of how living things interact with each other and with their natural environment.
  • Scientific study and analysis of interaction among organism and environment.

Q12 C.   What do you mean by rural sociology and what is the relation of rural sociology with extension education. 

A.Rural sociology is a branch of sociology. It is made up of two terms rural and sociology that is
science of rural society.
 It is the study of the sociology of life in the rural environment, which systematically studies the
rural communities to discover their conditions and tendencies and formulate the principles of
progress as the term implies. 
Relation with rural sociology is
 The improvement and the development of any community depend on its education.
 Rural sociology lays stress on education in rural problems.

Q13 what is the scientific procedure of study of rural sociology and discuss in detail. 

A.  Sociology can be classified as the science it fulfill the basic requirements of objective and traditional knowledge of social reality.
  • Sociologist can make generalisation :- 
  • Sociology can make predictions on the basis of sociology social logical study sociologist can anticipate the future and make the prediction about future events and occurrence relationship incidents.
  • Sociology is factual:- sociology makes a scientific study of facts and general principle involved in them all sociological studies are factual.
  • Sociological studies are based on evidence observation and explanation all studies are measurable and empirically started. 

Q14.  Explain the different problems of rural life.

A.   The major problems that have been identified are poverty 

Q15. Differentiate the rural society and urban society.

A. Rural society 
  • In rural society agriculture is an important occupation.
  • The size of community is small and scattered.
  • The social interaction is very low and personal.
Urban society. 
  • In urban society  agriculture is not an very important occupation.
  • The skills are required specialised in any area.
  • The social interaction is very numerous and mostly impersonal.

Q16. Describe the concept and elements of rural ecology with suitable in sketch.

A. The study of relationship between living organism including humans and physical environment C2 under found vital connection between plants and animal and world arounding them this can be explained as: 

Social: study of relationship between people and their environment often the interference of people due to collectiveness institution and organisation.
Environment: immediate physical and social setting in the which people live it include culture surrounding space and institution with whom they interact.
Viability: Ability to work successfully. 
Sustainability : ability to maintain certain rate or level of adjustment.

Q17. What is the scientific procedure of a study of social ecology discuss with in detail.

A.  The scientific procedure of study e of social ecology is is to collect the information and survey on organised attempt to analyse in track the present status of social institution of area.
  •  Descriptive survey
  • Explain a tree survey
  •  Evaluate survey
  •  diagnostic survey 
  • analytics survey
  •  predictive survey.

Q18. What is the scope of social ecology for extension worker s?

A. The study of ecology provide the knowledge about the organism in relation with their environment it gives the guidelines in planning the program and resolving the problem by study of :- 
  1.  Growth rate of population.
  2.  Cooperation and competition working dependency and appearance of behaviour 
  3. symbolic economic relation.
  4.  origin of biological diversity. 
  5. Ecosystem.

Q19. How social ecology is helpful justify it ?

A. Social ecology is very helpful important :
  1. Provide awareness how to world work- 
  2. Provide the fact of community 
  3. understanding ecosystem
  4.  global and regional competition
  5.  utilisation of natural resources 
  6. study of collective behaviour.


Part 2 will be Updated soon !!

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