Rural sociology Test Paper Solutions 02

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Roles of leader in Agricultural Extension 1. They coordinate the efforts of the group to achieve its goals. 2. They establish proper social climate in the group 3. Leaders assists the group to organize themselves 4. The promote thee spared of messages of extension programme 5. They act as demonstrator for the innovations 6. They create inner and intra group coordination 7. They help in planning and execution of development programmme 8. They encourage other for action 9. They develop self confidence among members 10. They create favorable climate for introducing development programmes. 11. They act as model for members 12. They support and motivate others to make efforts to realize their needs.


Nature of social change 1. Only such changes are designated as social change that affects the bulk of the community.

2. Social change is a universal process. It is founded in all societies and all stages of social evolution. 3. Social change does not always depend on the willingness of society and its members. 4. Speed of social change differs from society to society and in the same society.

5. Social change has both qualitative and quantitative aspects.

6. Change is not synonymous with development; it may or may not lead to development.


Social control is an influence exerted by the public or society for promoting the welfare of the group as a whole. Social control influences people to conform to the mores and encourages them to do right things. 

Means or types of social control:- Social control is classified in to two categories formal and informal 

Informal means of social control:- 1. Belief: Belief in religion controls the behaviour to a great extent. 2. Social suggestions: we suggest the younger generations many ideas like giving the examples of great men, celebration of anniversaries of great people etc 3. Ideologies: The communication of ideologies like ghandhiism, capitalism, communism etc by which the social behaviour of the individuals is controlled. 4. Customs 5. Folkways 6. Mores 7. Norms 8. Religion 9. Art and literature: 

Formal means of social control:- 1. Law: Law is a body of rules given by legally authorized bodies and enforced by authorized agencies like police, judiciary etc 2. Education: Education prepares the child for social living by removing his wrong attitudes and learning discipline, honesty and what is right or wrong.

a social group is a unit of two or more people in reciprocal (to and fro) interaction and in communication with each other .

According to duration 1. Permanent group: - If the relationship of the members lasts over a long time, it is a termed as permanent group. There are formalities and defined role to play. The members are tied together by potential tied and formalities. e.g.- Family, Govt. dept 

2. Temporary group: - When the group lasts for short duration, it is called temporary group. It is collection of the physical bodies in casual way on the street or on stations. e.g. - Crowd, Audience, Mob etc.


A social institution is an organized system of social relationship which embodies certain common values and procedures and meets certain needs of the society. 

There are five major institutions in rural society. These institutions are present in all societies so there are called as a basic institutions. 1. Family: As an institution provides for care, protection and nature of children. 2. Educational: Institutional imparts knowledge, skills and society acceptable attitudes. 3. Political/Government: Government Institution provide for law orders, settlement of disputes, administration affairs. 4. Religious: Institution prescribes prayers and worship as a part of relation with God. 5. Economic: Institution provides basic physiological needs of the body- food, shelter and clothing. For this society provides farming and industry.

Functions of Family: 

1. It helps in perpetuating the race through procreation. 

2. It provides for a means to satisfy sexual needs of man and woman.

 3. It helps in socializing the children and makes them acceptable to the society. 

4. It means the basic needs of its member.

 5. It is the starting point of division of labor. 

6. Family as a primary economic unit ensures that economic activities are shared by the family members.


Socialization is the process through which people are taught to be proficient members of a society. It describes the ways that people come to understand societal norms and expectations, to accept society's beliefs, and to be aware of societal values.


Religion is a set of beliefs regarding the relationship of a man to the supernatural power called God”.

Functions and Role of social institutions in Agricultural Extension .

The social institution is important instruments for the extension worker.

 If he works through the institutions in the society. He can take advantage of the role played by the 


The institutions can help extension programme if they are in line with the objectives of the institutions. 

The roles, status and other forms of social relations are already prescribed and defined. 

It provides co0ordinations and stability to culture and give sense of security to the individuals.


'Social stratification is the division of society in permanent groups of categories linkedwith each other by relationship of superiority and subordination' 

Social stratification is a horizontal division of society in to higher and lower social unit' 

Types of Social stratification 

1. Estate 2. Caste 3. Class 

1. Estate: Based on family's relation to land-Zamindar and Servent or we can say DAS 

2. Caste: Brahman-Khatriya-Vaishya-Sudra. In this systemstatus is described at birth. 

3. Class: A class is any portion of community marked off from the rest by social status the social level is defined in terms of wealth.

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4 A. 

Factors of Social change Social change is a historical process based on various factors of environment and human ingenuity to create conditions for better survival. Major factors of social change are the following: 1. The Physical Environment:-

2. Cultural method 

Biological factor 

Pshycological Factor 


technological Factor


Types or classification of Social Groups A. According to nature of interaction 

1. Primary group: - Primary group means face to face relations with one another. Primary group have a sort of permanency, are small in size and have the responsibility to socialised individuals. e.g:- Family, Community etc. 

2. Secondary group: - A secondary group members are not in direct contact with one another. They influence one another indirectly through agencies of communication. A secondary group are large in size.

B. According to mode of organization and functioning 1. Formal groups: - These groups have definite roles, rule of operation, a definite system of work etc. The relationship among members is also formal. 2. Informal groups: - In informal group there is no organisation, rigidity and formality. The members have strong primary group feeling. 

C. According to nature type of membership 1. Voluntary group: - In these types of groups the membership is voluntary and members have no compulsion to participate in the activity of group. 2. Non Voluntary group: - In these types of groups the membership are compulsory and member have no choice. 

D. According to duration 1. Permanent group: - If the relationship of the members lasts over a long time, it is a termed as permanent group. There are formalities and defined role to play. The members are tied together by potential tied and formalities. e.g.- Family, Govt. dept 2. Temporary group: - When the group lasts for short duration, it is called temporary group. It is collection of the physical bodies in casual way on the street or on stations. e.g. - Crowd, Audience, Mob etc.


Classification of Family 

The families can be classified according to various criteria: 

a) On the Basis of Lineage/Ancestry: 

1) Patrilineal Family: When properly inheritance and reckoning descent along the male line (father). 

2) Matrilineal Family: When it is along the female (mother) line. 

b) On the Basis of Headship: 

1) Patriarchal Family: In this case father is head of the family. 

2) Matriarchal Family: In this case mother is head of the family. 

c) On the Basis of Transfer of Bride Groom/ residence: 

1) Patrilocal Family: There are the families where wife transfer to the husbands house after marriage.

 2) Matrilocal Family: Where husband transfer to the wife’s house after marriage. Matrilineal families are matrilocal families.

 3) Neolocal:- d) On the Basis of marriage: 

1) Monogamous Family: In this case the husband marries only one wife.

 2) Polygamous Family: In this case the husband can marry more than one wife. 3) Polyandrous Family: In this case the wife can marry more than one husband.


Classification based on the types of leadership:-

 1. Traditional leaders: - They emerge out of tradition and stick to tradition. They are of static type and do not accept change. They have vested interest and have the fear that changes may overthrow them from power position e.g. tribal chief Mulkhi Patil, Deshmukh, Inamdar 

2. Caste leader: - Followers belong to the same caste as that of the leader. The leader provides leadership in matters relating to the caste e.g. Mulla, Pope 

3. Religious leaders: - become leader by practicing religious doctrines, or performing religious acts or rituals. They advice followers on religious matters. e.g. Pujari 

4. Political leaders: - they arise out of the political system. e.g. MLA, MP, chief Minister, Prime minister etc. 

5. Functional leaders: - they are recognized as leaders because of their specialized knowledge and function in the society. e.g. doctors, scientist etc 6. Opinion leader: - These are the persons to whom people to whom people go for opinion and advice on certain issue. Opinion leaders also act as legitimizes and influence decision making of the opinion seekers. e.g. Sarpanch, Patil


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