
Soil science Paper Solutions 2.0

 GroveStudies Production: Q1. A .  Nutrients are the compound in which food essential to life and health providing us energy the building block for repairing and growth regulate chemical process. There are six major nutrients :-  carbohydrates ,lipids ,proteins ,vitamins ,minerals ,water. Q1. B.  Macro pores are large sized or refer to the macro force which allow the air and water move radially. Sand and Sandy soil and have large number of micro pores found Between granuals. Micro pores are small size or refer to micro which do not allow air water move radially. Micro pores are clay and silt soil have large number of micro pores. Q1. C.  A soil in which the surface layer is neither acid or alkaline in reaction typically with a pH value around seven. Q1. D.  Soil pH or soil reaction is an indication of acidity or alkalinity of soil and it measure in PH unit Q1. E.   Any unfavourable condition or substance that affect or block a plant metabolism growth or development is regarded as a str

Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Test Paper Solution 2

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Agroforestry Important Topics

 Silviculture :-  silviculture is the science and art of growing and cultivating forest  crops , based on a knowledge of silvics (the study of the life-history ). The focus of silviculture is the control, establishment and management of forest stands. GroveStudies Objective of silviculture !! Control crop composition and production of species of more economic value. Afforestation of blank and under stock area Production of quality Timber Facilitate management and use of forest Creation of man made forest. Silviculture relation with other branches of forestry. It is the same relation with the forestry as Agronomy has with agriculture. Agronomy and silviculture deals with the cultivation of crops agriculture Forestry and also with their protection, management, measures marketing, etc. Agro forestry :-  Agroforestry any sustainable land use system that maintains or increase total yield by combining food crops with tree crops and Livestock on the same unit of land. Benefits of agroforestr

GroveStudies Irrigation Important Topics

  GroveStudies   What is irrigation ?  Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the land or soil. Irrigation is the agricultural process of applying control amount of water to the land to assist in the production crops as well as grow landscape plants. Agriculture that does not use Irrigation but instead relying only on direct rainfall is referred to as rain fed. Benefits of irrigations :-  Increasing crop yield  protection from famine  cultivation of superior crops  elimination of mixed cropping economic development  Hydropower generation  domestic and industrial water supply. Method of irrigation :-  1. Surface irrigation :-   - uncontrolled flood/ Flood Method  - border strip method - check Method  - basin method  - Forrow Method 2. Subsurface irrigation  3. sprinkler irrigation  4. trickle (drip) irrigation 🔑 Key Points ;-  Seepage :-.  Horizontal flow of water in channel is called seepage. Percolation:-   vertical movement of water in soil ,downward movement of water

GroveStudies Growth and development

  GroveStudies Growth and development !!  What is Growth ?  Growth can be defined as irreversible permanent increase in size of an organ or its part of even of individual cells. Types of growth / stages of growth :-  1. Vegetative growth :-  the early growth of plant producing date stamp and branches without power is called vegetative growth. 2. Reproductive growth :-  After the vegetative growth plant produce flowers which is the reproductive part of plant this is called reproductive growth phase. Growth curve sigmoid growth curve !?  It is an s-shaped curve obtained when we plot growth against time.  It is also called sigmoid growth curve.  mainly shows four phases of growth :-  1. Initial slow growth. ( Lag Phase).  2. Derive a period of growth log phase grand period of growth exponential phase where maximum growth is seen in short period.  3. The diminishing face were growth will slow . 4. Stationary/steady phase where finally growth stop. GroveStudies What is development ? It is

Herbicides Important Topics

 Herbicides :-  Chemical method of meet control is very effective in certain cases and use great score provided the herbicides are cheap efficient and easily available.  The chemical used for killing weeds or inhibiting the growth of weights are called herbicides Classification of Herbicides :-   Based on Method of application :-  i) Soil applied herbicides: Herbicide act through root and other underground parts of weeds.e.g. Fluchloralin ii) Foliage applied herbicides : Herbicide primarily active on the plant foliage e.g.Glyphosate, Paraquat. Based on Mode of action :-  i) Selective herbicide: A herbicide is considered as selective when in a mixed growth of plant species, it kills some species without injuring the others.e.g. Atrazine ii) Non-selective herbicide: It destroys majority of treated vegetatione.g. Paraquat Based on mobility :-  i) Contact herbicide: A contact herbicide kills those plant parts with which it comes in direct contact e.g. Paraquat ii) Translocated herbicide/S

GroveStudies present Agronomy Important Topics for Mid Semester 2 Weed Managements

  GroveStudies Production Agronomy :-  Contents ;- Weeds classification  Loss and gain of weeds  Weed Contents  Water use efficiency Herbicides  Advantages and disadvantage  Growth and development Irrigation And different methods  Drip and Sprinkler ----------------------------------------------- What is Weed?  Weeds may be defined as the unwanted and undesirable plant which interfere with the utilisation of land and water resources and adversely affect human welfare the term Veda was firstly used by Jethro Tull. According to their economic importance of weeds :-  Relative weeds :-  unwanted plant which has some economic importance but called weeds because these are grown out of their places.  Example:- cynodon dactylon. Absolute weeds :-  unwanted plant which has no economic value and growing out of their proper place.   Ex :- euphorbia hirta. Losses caused by weeds :-  Weeds compete with the crop for their growth factors :-  The greatest loss caused by the wheat resulted from their