
Showing posts from December, 2021

Agriculture Heritage Test Paper Solutions

 Q1. Define crop give the classification of craft on the basis on their life cycle. A. 

Fundamentals of Horticulture Test Paper Solutions

 Q1. The term horticulture is derived from ________ words.  A. Latin , hortus means Garden and colere, "to cultivate.  Q2. Plants having a lifespan of 1 year 1 season are called ________. A. Seasonal crops.  Q3. Branch of horticulture which deals with the cultivation of fruit crop is called as _______.  A. Pomology.  Q4. The plant that is planted in the centre of square of quincunx system of planting is called as _____.  A.  Q5. Sweet potato belongs to family ______.  A. Morning glories.  Q6. Define horticulture.  A.  The study of practice of growing flowers fruit and vegetables.  It is a science and art of producing edible fruits vegetables flowers herbs and ornamental plants improving and commercializing them.  Audi culture impacts our lives on the daily basis by providing nutrients fruit and vegetables.  Q7. Division of horticulture with sustainable example and their importance.  A. The Horticulture ...

Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Test Paper Solutions

 Join Telegram :- GroveStudies ©™ Fundamentals Of Bio Chemistry and Plant Biotechnology :-  Q1. Why dihydroxy acetone is not optically active compound? A. The dihydroxy acetone does not contain a chiral carbon and does not exist as a pair of stereoisomers.  Q2. Why do most of the animal are able to digest starch but not cellulose?  A. Starch involve specifically to be digested that because it is a way to store glucose for later use and thus is chemical structure is fairly easy to digest.  Cellulose was made to be long lasting structure substance in other words it involve specifically to be resistant to digest.  the ability to digest cellulose is hard involve and make more energy to accomplish. Q3. Define stereoisomers?  A. Stereoisomers isomers which possesses same molecular formula, but different in the spital  arrangement of atoms or groups.  Stereoisomers can be classified broadly into geometrical isomers and isomers that contain asymmetri...

Fundamentals of Soil Science Hand Written Notes by MrPrashant Sharma

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Fundamentals of Soil Science Test Paper Solutions

  Q1. What do you mean by soil profile? A. The vertical section of soil showing the various layer from the surface to the unaffected parent materials bedrock is known as soil profile. Q2. What is Clod? A. Clod is a lump or mass is specially of earth or clay.  Q3. What do you mean by acidic soil? A. Acidic soil are commonly referred to as the being sour by definition acidity is the characteristic of soil that have a pH level of less than 7 reading of being 7 is neutral. Q4. What do you understand by land levelling? A. Land leveling is a measure used in surface irrigation such as basin and furrow irrigation the the preparation of irrigation plot in a way that no high and low spots disturb the uniform distribution of irrigation water on the field and ensure the optimal slope for water movement across the field when irrigated. Q5. What do you mean by alluvial soil? A. Alluvial soil sa soil deposited by surface water.  Alluvial soils are soils which consists of earth and sand ...

Rural Sociology And Educational Psychology Test Paper Solutions

 Q1. Define Sociology?  A. Sociology is a social science that focus on society human social behaviour, pattern of social relationships, social interaction and aspect of cultural with everyday life. Q2. What is the character of rural?  A. Some of the ruler characteristics are:-  Contact with nature: . Mainly owing to occupational requirements. Agriculture is the fundamental occupation supported by animal husbandry in rural. Size of community:  usually small scale agriculture demand a higher land to man ratio than industry. Social mobility  social interaction  social control  leadership pattern  standard of living Q3. Define agriculture extension. A.  Agricultural extension is the application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education. Q4. What do you mean by society?  A. Society is defined as a group of people in a more or less permanent association who are organised for their collecti...

Agronomy Test Paper Solutions

 Q. Define Agronomy ? A.   The branch of agriculture science which deals with the principle and practices of soil water and field management. Q. Define Agriculture? A.  Agronomy is a art and business which deals with the crop production management with the help of life stock.  Q. Define crop and classify the crop on basis of seasons.  A. Crop is a plant that can grow and harvested extensively for profit. There are three types of crops on basis of season Kharif season June to November Ravi season November to April  Zaid season summer crop March June Q. What do you mean by Annual Crop, biennial crop and perennial crop. A.  Annual Crop :-  plant is a plant that complete its life cycle from germination to production of seed within a growing season and then dies. Example watermelon, Pea, Etc.  Biennial Plants. :- biennial plants is a flowering plant that take place two years to complete life cycle.  Example :-  Perennial Plants :- p...

Assignment and Presentation Horticulture / Farming System / Heritage

Farming System :-  Assignment :-  Farming of Sustainability in Cropping systems and farming System , scope and Objectives.  Presentation :- Status of Sustainable Agriculture in India.  Horticulture :-  Assignment :-  Plant Regulators :- Role in crop growth and development.  Presentation :-  The impact of COVID - 19 on Horticulture sector : Critical issues and opportunities.  Heritage :-  Assignment :-  Pay and present status of agriculture and farmers in society. Presentation :-  Current Scenario of Indian Agriculture.

Chapter 01 Fundamentals Of Crop Physiology

Crop physiology is the bridge between agronomy and basic science in agriculture. The science which deals with the knowledge about plants which called by botany.  The notion for physiology originated from Greek by joining the words physis which means "functions" and logos means 'science'.  The science of plant physiology is appeared in 1780  when the Frenchman J. Senebier edited his first monograph in 5 volume as plant physiology. Plant physiology  Plant physiology is the branch of botany which deals with the fundamental process and functions in plant. Mental processes of plant like photosynthesis, nutritions ,respiration, hormone, seed germination, transpiration and plant water relation are studied under plant physiology. Crop physiology Crop physiology deals with the definite plant population in a unit area of land.  The study of group of plants under a given set of soil and environment pollution.  The crop physiology in hence the production potential of...

Water and Its Basic Properties

Water   water, a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states. It is one of the most plentiful and essential of compounds. A tasteless and odourless ( without a smell) liquid at room temperature, it has the important ability to dissolve many other substances.   Melting point: 0 °C  Density: 997 kg/m³ Formula: H₂O Boiling point: 100 °C Molar mass: 18.01528 g/mol IUPAC ID: Oxidane Water Properties of water Water is an important component of our body . It constitutes about 65 % of the total body mass. Most of the reaction in the cell is carried out in aqueous medium (water). Water is made up of oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.  Oxygen has a tendency to pull the electron towards itself.  Due to this a dipole  ( a pair of equal and oppositely charged or magnetized poles separated by a distance)  is created in which each water molecule is surrounded by four other water molecules. Pro...

Scope of Biochemistry

Neuberg introduced the term biochemistry in 1903. The early part of 20th century witnessed a  sudden outburst of knowledge in chemical analysis, separation methods, electronic instrumentation for biological studies (X-ray diffraction, electron microscope, etc) which ultimately resulted in understanding the structure and function of several key molecules involved in life processes such as proteins, enzymes, DNA and RNA . Scope of Biochemistry   1) To evaluate ( मूल्यांकन करना )  nutritive value of cereals, pulses, oilseed, fruits and vegetable. 2) Formulation of balanced diet. 3) Removal and inactivation of toxic or anti nutritional factors present in food grains in general and grain legumes in particular by breeding and chemical treatments. e .g. ODAP in Keshari dal, Trypsin inhibitors. 4) Development and exploitation of better genotypes.   5) Food preservation and processing technology and post-harvest physiology of fruit crops and vegetables and their nutrit...

Plant physiology

The science which deals with the knowledge about plants is called botany. Plant physiology :-  Plant physiology branch of body which deals with the fundamental process and the function in plants. Fundamental process of plants like photosynthesis plants nutrition., Respiration plant hormones , tropism, nastic movements, photo- periodism, photo- morphogenesis, circadian rhythms, environmental stress seed germination transpiration and plant water relation are studied under plant physiology. Crop physiology:-  Crop physiology deals with the study of definite Khan population in unit age of in-game special importance because it allows the study of growth of plant and acceptance rate of soil environmental condition. Crop physiology and hence the production potential of by better utilisation of physiological process at the source as well as the sink levels. Importance of plant physiology in agriculture:-  Production physiology

Forestry 1st Semester Important Topics

Forestry   Forestry is the science and craft of creating, managing, planting, using, conserving and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources for human and environmental benefits. वानिकी मानव और पर्यावरणीय लाभों के लिए वनों, वुडलैंड्स और संबंधित संसाधनों के निर्माण, प्रबंधन, रोपण, उपयोग, संरक्षण और मरम्मत का विज्ञान और शिल्प है। Forest A forest is an area of land dominated by trees. The wood forest is derived from Latin word ' foris ' meaning ' outside '.  As such forests are areas covering uncultivated and untended extensive stretch of lands covered with tall and dense tree growth. Generally, areas set aside for the production of timber and other forest produce which is under woody vegetation are called forest. Historical Background of Forestry History of Indian forests is closely linked with political history.  The epics Ramayana and Mahabharata give an attractive description of forest. Dandakaranya, Khandavavana, and Nandanavana came from them. Hindu cu...